Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Senior Health and Fitness

Although it has become the buzzword in the health and wellness programs, Functional Fitness is a very important part of exercise and daily life, especially for seniors.

What is Functional Fitness? It refers to exercise that helps us with everyday activities, like getting up off the floor, carrying heavy objects and putting something up on a shelf.

By strengthening the muscles in the same way we would need to use them for certain tasks, it reduces our risk of injury and increases our quality of life. We can go throughout our day without worrying about straining or pulling something.

Almost all exercises can be functional depending on the move and proper form, because in reality, increasing overall strength will help us become more functional in our daily life.

Increasing our overall fitness will help us move better, but combining strength training will exercises that mirror the movements of daily activities can provide an eve more effective training program. It can also promote better balance, endurance and flexibility. And who doesn’t want that, right?

This Functional Fitness plan can help improve our overall health and daily life by strengthening muscles to prepare them for everyday tasks and activities. Using our body weight as a form of strength training is simple and safe for almost anyone.

Our Functional Fitness workouts are much more laid back, requiring less equipment and intensity. The focus is on performance. The risk of injury is low, which makes it suitable for most seniors.

Anyone looking for a safe and effective way to improve your daily life, the Senior Health and Fitness classes are for you.

For more information, call 931-796-5564 or stop by the Lewis County Senior Center.


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