Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 102

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 25, 2024

    Letter to the Editor It’s well-known that olive oil and other plant fats are healthier than butter. Recent comprehensive research of previous studies confirms this fact and shows that choosing plant fats over butter significantly reduces the risk of serious diseases. So let’s ditch butter—and all animal-derived ingredients—for our health, the planet, and animals. Cows, like humans, produce milk to nourish their young—not for another species to make butter. But on today’s factory farms, cows are artificially inseminated on a device the industr...


    Jul 25, 2024

    LETTER TO THE EDITOR If you take the extreme position of believing that the failure to murder a former President and the leading candidate for the Presidency is 'disappointment' and a missed chance to 'save our Country', then you don't believe in our Country. You don't believe in our Consitution where the American Citizens hold the exclusive right to decide who their President will be, not a 20 year old punk with a gun. Kristen Paul [email protected]...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 25, 2024

    Letter to the Editor Rags or riches, camels and needles. So, here we stand on the edge of a great precipice, each party leaning forward, well over their skies. Who will be the first to fall and who will land on their feet? While both think they have the saving answer, the “snow” continues to pile up. Whose boots are wide enough to hold them up on top, or will 10 penny stilettoes poke holes causing them to melt down? Whichever the case, perhaps we should put aside our communication devices, sit quietly in a dark room, until we hear an ind...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 27, 2024

    View Point. While some keep pointing in one direction, others look forward to their point of correction deceiving their good points to be a sign of perfection falling from the grace of our Father’s protection. Before those untimely and awkward setbacks, they fostered a notion they were on the right track then missing the point from their lack of understanding. Good furtune came down from their own poor planning. Never dreaming the good times would come and go. Leaving them pointlessly running to and fro, some want to control humanities span, b...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 6, 2024

    In reference to the current event “show.” What’s the infraction? Why is the first court case titled “hush money?” She didn’t “hush!” Will she be required to pay it all back? Does the “statute of limitations” apply to covering that? An analogy. How many citizens, among others, mimic history’s “Barabas callers” and how many are under the innocent column? “Well, we don’t have to be, we’re not in charge of what’s important!” Then why would it be important to hear your opinion? “We have a right to speak!” But should we when there’s nothing positive...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 16, 2024

    The recent school board meeting raises major red flags for our county. As a county commissioner and someone who has been apart of school board and city council meetings, I have never seen any of these bodies of government post 4-5 signs during a public meeting that essentially read if you speak out or cause a disruption we can charge you with a misdemeanor. At the county level and from my involvement with the city council as well, we are always welcome to public opinion and citizen concerns. I feel as a citizen and elected official it is a...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 16, 2024

    We’re becoming a nation of soothsayers, crystal ball gazers, and now independant paparazzi wannabees. Each one believes their story is the equalizer for a life well lived. The “white noise” has “verbal soot” saturated in it. When did “protest” become the “Be All” of Action? The “right to petiton” our government means a “formally drawn-up request, addressed to a person or body of persons in authority”, not mobs of people boisterously “camped-out”in our streets. This manner of hollering for “action in the moment” sounds precariously equ...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 9, 2024

    I really felt saddened by the passing of Sheriff department’s Investigator Bradley Lawson & my sincere condolences for his family & to our Sheriff department’s loss of a true public servant. In 2021, I had a dispute with my neighbor’s contractor about some bricks that my brick layer took upon her husband’s sale to me. I told her,” just call the sheriff to resolve the issue.” She did and investigator Lawson came, asked what is going on and told the woman,” he only is gonna pay for whatever bricks he took; not 500 as you say.” He proceeded to co...

  • Tyrades! Noisy restaurants: yea or nay?

    Danny Tyree|Apr 10, 2024

    A recent Wall Street Journal article provided food for thought about the decibel levels in restaurants. According to the article, in 2023, audio data from the app SoundPrint found that 63 percent of restaurants are too loud for conversation. (Granted, this is a blessing in disguise if the conversation veers toward “SoundPrint? You told me your phone doesn’t have enough space for photos of my trip to the International Lint Museum, but you have room to download SoundPrint????”) My father hated...

  • Tyrades! Ever have a work spouse

    Danny Tyree|Apr 4, 2024

    You probably have quite a few co-workers with whom you exchange chitchat, banter and superficial observations on current events. (“I fervently believe both Hamas and Putin could be nullified simply by … oooo…fresh Krispy Kremes! Never mind.”) And then there are the “work spouses.” According to a 2006 survey, 32 percent of workers said they had an “office husband” or “office wife.” (That’s about one-third the number who viewed the HR department as their “office mother-in-law,” but tha...

  • Letter to the Editor: Marsha Perkins

    Mar 21, 2024

  • From the Office of the Highway Commissioner

    Mar 14, 2024

  • Tyrades!: What Does Spring Break Mean To You?

    Danny Tyree|Mar 14, 2024

    You probably crave a break from my patented “sour grapes” routine, but we must face facts: spring break (a.k.a. Easter break, a.k.a. mid-term break, a.k.a. “unwind, rejuvenate, have fun, but don’t forget how oppressed you are, students”) is not the same for every family. When I was in elementary school, spring break meant making an extra day trip visit to my grandmother, tagging along to another antique shop with my mother or stocking up on books at the library. High school? My job at the conve...

  • Letter to the Editor: Clyde Webb

    Mar 7, 2024

    This letter was originally published in the Nashville Tennessean in the 1950’s-60’s. As I think of the terrible slaughter of our American people on the highways I am reminded of the words spoken by Solomon, The wisest man who ever lived, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Surely, if all the people who get behind the wheels of our vast number of automobiles, trucks and buses would stop for one moment and think seriously of the suffering, pain, heartaches and lost lives of individuals-sometimes whole families wiped out-then we would h...

  • Letter to the Editor: Marsha Perkins

    Mar 7, 2024

    We’re reminded; the Founders concluded our Constitution would only work for a religion and moral population. Many choose biblical stories, popular to recite, that others admire and applaud. Famously is the “good samaritan” exploit. It’s easy to claim our moral participation from afar, while invoking guilt upon others. The entire world has become our samaritan call, even though this was based on a local appeal while people were on foot. The “foot washing” gesture presents a humble picture, but in today’s shoes, its a bit of nonsense. Ope...

  • Why Should the State Tourism Department Records be Secret?

    Mar 7, 2024

    By Deborah Fisher An often quoted phrase related to open government is one by Louis Brandeis, an attorney and associate justice on the Supreme Court whose work and writings spanned the late 19th and early 20th centuries. “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric lights the most efficient policemen,” Brandeis wrote in a Harper’s Weekly article in 1913, one of his many writings on the topic. Brandeis (1856-1941) believed that “sunlight” on government activities could expose wrongdoing, corruption and inefficiency. It could bri...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Feb 29, 2024

    Free speech my foot! Our lost language. It’s like, I mean, you know, I have a feeling. I’m like thinking, it’s like a free world out there. I have like a friend, who like, wants to like see this movie, but I’m like, I’ve already seen it. Should I like go again, or like just like tell her, I mean, you know, the ending? Neither. Forget movies and return to grade school English grammar class. This “short circuit comparative jabber” leaves us with no present, without any original thought. And where did the word “any” go? It disappeared betwe...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Feb 16, 2023

    Our roadsides I just came back to my house on Mt. Joy, from taking a walk to my brother’s and back home. The Lord has given all of us such a beautiful, breezy day, with sunshine and seventy degree weather. The purpose of my walk was to enjoy the day and pick up trash alongside the road. Some of the people who travel through our community throw their trash out their car window and it lies there, very ugly, until someone picks it up. Some of their empty containers which I pick up are evidence that substances which are harmful to good health a...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Dec 15, 2022

    Sometimes we all forget what the true meaning of Christmas really is. It’s the birth date of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. It’s also a time of giving thanks to those who have also touched our hearts. Tracie Lomax did just that tonight (December 10, 2022) with a wonderful dinner and dessert she brought to our home with love in her heart. The dinner was prepared by wonderful folks at Lomax Church of Christ. My wife of many years is now on hospice care and unable to go out anymore. I am a 24-7 home-care husband now. Not a problem because in...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Nov 17, 2022

    An Open Response to MLEC about Wireless RF Smart Meters This is a response to an interview/article published in the Lewis County Herald on Oct. 20, 2022, with Keith Carnahan, President and CEO of MLEC. MLEC has received many emails and phone calls from MLEC members and the community who do not want the current smart meters to be replaced with wireless microwave radiation RF smart meters. Based on the above-mentioned interview, we ask MLEC to respond to its members and the community to clarify the following questions and comments: 1. What...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Nov 3, 2022

    Dear Editor, I am firmly convinced that most people don’t follow politics that closely. Most feel that as long as they’re not directly removing money from my wallet, who cares, right? As we draw nearer to, quite possibly, the most important midterm election of my lifetime, I sincerely hope that the citizens of Lewis County are now paying attention to the fact that elections have consequences, and, as of late, dire ones. While the advent of skyrocketing inflation, violent crime exploding, and ever-climbing fuel prices began almost imm...

  • Letter to the Editor; Jan Tache

    Sep 15, 2022

    Our MLEC Co-Operative turns out to be much less than a co-operative. Without any notification or explanation, it is quietly planning to install Radio Frequency (Wireless) smart meters in our County and the five other counties they serve. They’ll begin in Lewis County in a couple months. There was no announcement, no community meetings, no scientific explorations of what this different technology will bring us - no risk/benefit analysis. I am extremely concerned about the overwhelming science showing biological harm from even very low levels of...

  • Letter to the Editor; Nagy

    Sep 8, 2022

    Dear Editor, In response to Melanie S. Kupfer’s, (HCBS Services Coordinator) Letter to the Editor regarding the unprecedented raid on a former Presidents home by the FBI, I would like to quote some facts first and then ask a question. ‘Even if President Trump took classified records, that isn’t a crime. The president, all presidents have the inherent right to declassify any record he wants in any manner he wants, regardless of any otherwise pertinent statute or regulation that applies to everyone else’. -Mike Davis, President Article 3 Project...

  • Letter to the Editor; Johnson

    Sep 8, 2022

    I have recently been made aware that MLEC is in the process of replacing current advanced (digital smart) meters for RF (radio frequency) advanced (digital smart) meters in all five counties it services, currently in Hickman County. They plan to start in Lewis County in January 2023. There are 7 Cooperative principals that govern MLEC which can all be found on The second principal, Democratic Member Control, states that cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members who actively participate in setting polici...

  • Melanie S. Kupfer's Letter to the Editor

    Sep 1, 2022

    This is in response to the statement Senator Marsha Blackburn put out on August 8, 2022 and published in the Lewis County Herald August 11, 2022. First, I would like to clarify that Mr. Trump is the EX-President of the United States. As a member of Congress Senator Blackburn should know this and stop perpetuating the continuing deception. President Biden was elected our current president by an overwhelming majority of voters. Second, furnishings being taken from the White House, as Ms. Blackburn claims the Obamas did, is very different than...

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