Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

#13 Citizens Meeting

June 12, 2022 •• 3:00 TO 4:00 PM

Brace Community Church

Corner of Brace and Otha Roads, Summertown

The below information is taken from the United States Veterans Magazine titled “Herbicide Government Exposure” and resulting medical problems,

which include:

Chloracne, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Soft-tissue Sarcoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, Aporphyria Cutanea Tarda, “B” cell Leukemia, Chronic Lympocytic

Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Acute and Subacute Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetes Type II, Amyloidosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Respiratory Cancers, Prostate Cancer, Secondary complications of Diabetes (heart disease, peripheral neurophy, impotency, stroke or CVA, diabetic

retinopathy, kidney disease, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease of legs and amputations, cateracts, glaucoma)

If you have any of the above medical problems or you know of someone that has them, be at this meeting on June 12, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. sharp.

Parkinson’s Disease: If you have Parkinson’s Disease or know someone that has this disease, please contact us at 931-829-3344.

150+ signed statements (50 yet to be processed) from citizens who have suffered damage from yellow crop duster planes, and farmers spraying chemical poisons labeled possible cancer causing.

Dicamba is allowed to be sprayed this season, Paraquat is allowed to be sprayed this season, these chemicals have been outlawed in most counties.

All citizens, families, and children are welcome.

We love all of you. Please help us keep Lawrence County a beautiful and healthy place to live.

This ad is paid for by Citizens for Clean Air, Water and Food Rocky and Betsy Stone • 931-829-3344.

We are non-profit, and donations are accepted. We are tax exempt.


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