Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

Series: Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past | Story 105

August 7, 1952

This issue of the Lewis County Herald was published one day earlier “in order that final appeals from the various candidates might reach the voters of the county in time for election day.”

City Ordinance number 240 was passed prohibiting the sale or serving of alcoholic beverages of not more than 5% content by weight, between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, or on any day upon which a general or primary election is held.

A Tennessee Fish and Game Commission survey crew was working along Swan Creek and Buffalo River to determine the number and size of fish that would be stocked in the rivers.

Thomas Lawson was serving aboard the USS Gurke with Task Force 77 off Korea.

Mrs. Johnie Murphy was honored for her 58th birthday with a surprise dinner given at her home.

Funeral services were held for Adelie Grover, 82.

“Raton Pass” starring Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal; and “Tarzan and the Slave Girl” starring Lex Barker and Vanessa Brown were the Friday and Saturday night movies showing at the Highlands Drive-In Theater.

“Ridin’ the Outlaw Trail” starring Charles Starrett and Smiley Burnette; and “Triple Cross,” starring Joe Palooka, were the Friday and Saturday double feature shown at the Strand Theatre.

August 9, 1962

T. G. Lewis was presented a service award for 15 years with Southern Bell Telephone.

Buddy McEwen, of Nashville, won the Championship Flight of the Invitational Tournament at the Hohenwald Golf and Recreation Club.

Swan Café on Swan Creek Road was destroyed by a fire of undetermined origin.

NPS announced that a campfire program would be held at Meriwether Lewis Park on August 11.

The Hohenwald Recreation and Golf Club announced that a swimming meet would be held there on August 11.

James Dudley completed eight weeks of military police training at The Provost Marshall General School at Fort Gordon, GA.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hawkins announced the birth of their son, Michael Harold.

Funeral services were held for Callie Miller, 83; and for Wilson Smith, 75.

Mosetta’s Beauty Shop advertised that they moved from Long’s Grocery to the corner of South Maple and First Street.

“The Cabinets of Caligari,” starring Glynis Johns, and “The Sheepman,” starring Glenn Ford and Shirley MacLain, were the Friday and Saturday double feature at the Highlands Drive-In.

August 10, 1972

The Lewis County Fair was scheduled for August 15 through 19. Rides would be provided by Key City Carnival. Gospel singing was planned for Thursday night, the Fairest of the Fair on Friday night, and a mule-pulling contest on Saturday afternoon. Adult admission was $1.00 and $0.75 for children.

Local resident David Barber was the winner of the annual Invitational Tournament held at the Hohenwald Recreational and Golf Club.

Danny Bates was named vice president at Commerce Union Bank’s investment management department in Nashville.

Lewis County residents invested $31,074 in bond purchases during the half-year period.

Jerry McDonald graduated Army basic training at Fort Jackson, SC.

Harold Quillen completed an intercept recording systems repair course at the U. S. Army Security Agency training center at Fort Devens, MA.

Robert Ray caught at 38.5-inch muskellunge while fishing at Laurel Hill Lake.

Funeral services were held for Burt Bell, 73; Charles Bell, 62; James Clay, 67; Margeurite Hinson, 49; and for Bertha Nadasdy, 72.

Weekly specials at Piggly Wiggly included blade cut chuck roast for $0.59 a pound, four cans of Double Lux cut green beans for $1.00, a 12-ounce box of N.B.C. Nilla vanilla wafers for $0.44, bananas at the price of $0.10 a pound, and a tall can of Piggly Wiggly canned milk for $0.18.

Highlands Drive-In advertised an Elliott Gould double feature of “I Love My Wife” and “Little Murders” for Friday and Saturday night.

August 12, 1982

The Election Commission reported that a record number of Lewis Countians turned out to vote in elections. The length of the ballot and record vote made it necessary for election officials to work through the night to tally the votes.

Don Reed assumed duties as administrator of Lewis County Hospital.

The South Central Area Fair was scheduled for August 24 through 28. Rides were provided by Vinson’s Golden Empire Shows. Entertainment included the Tennessee Bluegrass Boys on Tuesday, Del Reeves in concert on Wednesday, and the band Slu-Foot on Thursday night.

The Sheriff’s Department discovered a number of marijuana plants growing near the Buffalo River.

Paul Tanner won first place in the local class at the first annual Tractor Pull held at Memorial Park. Approximately 3200 people attended the event.

Bill Dyer was named Number One Salesman for Sunbrand, Inc.

Marion Patterson enlisted in the U. S. Navy.

Al Martin grew a 116-pound Big Mack pumpkin in his garden.

Mr. and Mrs. William Houser announced the birth of their son, William Paul.

Funeral services were held for Pearle Poore, 91; and for Daniel Smith, infant.

“Rocky III,” starring Sylvester Stallone was held over for another week as the weekend feature at the Highlands Drive-In.

August 13, 1992

Forensic scientist James E. Starrs announced he would be using ground-penetrating radar to scan Meriwether Lewis’s grave, on August 18, the anniversary of Lewis’s birth. Starrs would use the results to determine whether to seek permission from NPS to exhume the remains of Lewis.

Snappy’s Pizza re-opened August 6 after a month of renovations that including construction of outside dining facilities along the sidewalk.

Leland Johnston was named section superintendent at the Columbia Gulf Transmission compressor station in Hampshire.

Laura Baker, of Hohenwald, won the 1992 Women’s B Singles Championship at the Daily Herald Tennis Tournament held in Columbia.

The following births were announced: Holly Danielle, daughter of James and Kellie McCann; and Brittany Nicole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Bain.

Dewey Durham was honored his 90th birthday with a reception held at the Fellowship Hall of the General Assembly and Church of the First Born.

Mr. and Mrs. Isom Hooks celebrated their 50th anniversary with a reception held at their home.

Funeral services were held for Christine Amacher, 86; John Churchwell, 73; and for Henry Wheeler, 83.

August 8, 2002

Out of 7,431 registered voters in Lewis County, 4,613 or 62.08 percent turned out to cast their votes, with a recording-breaking 2,375 voters casting their ballots in early voting. The previous record of early voting was 1,900.

The South Central Area Fair was scheduled August 19 through 24. The annual fair was sponsored by the Lewis County Jaycees.

A local man was charged with attempted first-degree murder after an attack which occurred near Texas Bottom.

James Simmson received medals for his service during the Korean War after 50 years.

Vernalissi Walker won first place a karaoke contest held in Seymour.

Brandon Hood graduated from basic military training with the 35th Engineer Battalion at Fort Leonardwood, MO.

William Gallion, and his dog Melton’s Big Rock, won first place at the Beech Creek Coon Hunt held in Waynesboro.

Justin Maag caught a string of bass while fishing with his grandparents in Michigan.

The following births were announced: Liza Bethany, daughter of Greg and Lisa Amacher; Jason Daniel, son of James and Beth Graham; and Gracie May, daughter of Jason and Dana Sims.

Roberta Grimes was honored for her 83rd birthday with a celebration held at her home.

Vernalissa Walker was honored for her 30th birthday with a celebration that included asking guests to participate in a karaoke competition.

Funeral services were held for Jess Cothran, Jr., 82; Jimmy Huggins, 18; Edward Minyard, 74; Helen Minyard; and for Mary Spears.

In area news: The shooting death of a Linden teen was under investigation by the TBI.

This article was written using local history resources available at the Lewis County Public Library and Archives. Libraries are guardians of history. Visit the library and archives to learn more about our community’s unique past.


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