Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Person of the Week

Series: Person of the Week | Story 18

By Amanda Spears,


Kid Edition!

This young lady is so full of spunk. She greeted me at the door and was so excited for our interview. She introduced me to everyone. Hope you all enjoy getting to know a little about Miss Gracie!

Q:) What is your full name?

A:) Gracie Ann Hicks.

Q:) What are some of your favorite hobbies?

A:) I like to play my tablet, play on my phone, play my Nintendo Switch and listen to music.

Q:) Who is your personal hero?

A:) My plushies, Nannie, my Dad, my Mom, my teachers and my dog.

Q:) Where do you go to school and what is your favorite subject?

A:) Lewis County Intermediate School, and learning because it gets your brain smart. I also like eating, and when I come home from school I give my family a hug and say I'm back.

Q:) What do you want to be when you grow up?

A:) I want to be a doctor nurse.

Q:) What's your least favorite chore?

A:) I love to do all of them, because it helps my Nannie.

Q:) What's the funniest thing you've ever done?

A:) I tell jokes, play fighting and make funny faces.

Q:) If you could be any superhero, who would you be?

A:) I would be a nurse, because they help people get better.

Q:) Who are your best friends?

A:) Isabella, Mikey, Nannie, Momma, Brother, Aunt Cat and Blakelynn.

Q:) What do you think your parents do at work all day?

A:) Just work stuff.

Q:) What do you know how to do that you can teach me?

A:) She tried to teach me how to dab, she said I didn't do it right.

Q:) What makes you feel proud?

A:) Being able to ride my scooter.

Q:) What makes you feel happy?

A:) Santa giving me presents on Christmas Eve.

Q:) Do you have a nickname?

A:) Yes Doodle Bug. My Nannie has called me that since I was a baby.

I hope you enjoyed reading a little about this young lady.

**If you would like to nominate a Kid of the Week, please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know why you have nominated them.**


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