Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is a cool and rainy morning here in our little valley, the wind blew really hard last night and it rained hard.

The cats were snuggled down in their beds and did not want to get up, but when they smelled their breakfast they came running.

I am enjoying my coffee and Bob is washing the breakfast dishes, so far he has not asked for an increase in his pay, ha. He sure makes it nice for me as I can get my day started a little earlier and the kitchen is spotless.

Bob is doing much better, we went out and seen Dr Kamal and he checked Bob out. I left there felling much better and Bob was the one who had the checkup. Thank you Dr. Kamal and Michael and all the staff, you are all so sweet and take good care of us, we love all of you.

It has been another busy week as usual, we have got a lot done.

Last Friday Bobby called my attention to the buttercups blooming close to an old stump where we had a tree blow down a couple years ago, these buttercups are coming up from around the roots of that old stump.

I walked down to the creek and it is flowing, so the animals can have a drink of good fresh water. It just shows us that God has it all under control.

Our neighbor and one of his boys came down and moved some firewood that we had next to the creek to our back porch. Thank you guys for taking care of us. I think the forecast is calling for some more cold rain.

Last week we had a special guest, Kelly our granddaughter came by and brought our newest little great grandbaby for a visit. He is doing so much better and still gaining weight, he was just a smiling when Bob was talking to him, you can tell he is going to love his great granddaddy. Thank you all for your prayers.

I am already thinking about spring, for starters last year we did not get the old rocking chairs on the front porch painted, but they are still on the to-do list for this year, Bob still says WE will paint them. I can not wait to see people starting to work out in their yards and gardens, when you see other people working and getting things done it makes you want to get your own things done.

Lately we have all heard about how there is still a lot of bad things going on in this world, but God said He has overcome this world, it gives us a chance to pray more and we all need to. I am so thankful for our local Sheriff and Police departments for taking care of us, I know there are things that are happening everywhere but I feel safe because of what they do to keep our hometown and county safe. Thank all of you and you are all in our prayers.

Bob is now through with the dishes and I am going to put a pot of beans on to slow cook for lunch and I am going to enjoy this day.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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