Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is a cool and cloudy winters morning here in our little valley, it is very quiet and there is a little wind blowing. It is not really cold outside but inside the house still feels nice and warm.

The cats were really hungry this morning, during the winter time they need more to eat. Now they have had their breakfast and gone back to there warm beds to wait on the Sun.

Bob is busy washing the breakfast dishes and I am having my cup of coffee. I put on my warm coat and walked out in the yard and I was just looking around. The neighbor’s cows were grazing in the pasture across the driveway, and a baby calf was laying down next to it’s mother and sleeping peacefully. There was a lot of buttercups still blooming by the old tree stump at the edge of the yard. The maple trees here in the yard are trying to bud out and wintertime is not over yet, we may have an early spring, during the summer these maple trees shade the front porch, we are hoping for warmer weather.

There is a lot of bad things going on this world, and I guess there always have been bad things going on but here lately it seems like there is more than normal. The major earthquakes and the awful war in Ukraine and all the sickness around the world, causing so much suffering and so many deaths. I think maybe we all need to pray more, I know that when I slow up on my praying and then I hear about something bad happening and it reminds me that I need to pray more and that “In God We Trust”.

We are so blessed and have got so much to be thankful for. Our great grandbaby is still doing good and gaining weight, he is a happy baby.

We were out running errands the other day and I was so thankful for our hometown, I saw our police patrol cars sitting near our schools helping to keep the children safe, I saw patrol cars in town helping to keep business and people safe and I also saw the sheriff patrols helping to keep the whole county safe. I feel safe when I see them, when that lockdown happened recently at the schools it turned out later that there was no real danger but at that time it was done to help keep everyone safe. I am so thankful for all of them and lets all keep them in our prayers.

Bob is doing much better, he has been walking and doing his exercises everyday, and of course he has been out spoiling the cats, he does not spoil me like he does those cats, it makes me wonder who he loves more? When the cats hear him calling them they come running because they know they are going to get feed or get treats.

We have got plenty of good firewood to get us through the rest of this winter, the guys came and brought us a load of dry firewood and a load of green firewood. That old wood heating stove really has done a good job keeping the house nice and warm during this real cold winter. Thank all of you for the firewood, thank you for taking care of us, I think you all love us, and we love y’all.

This winter I have to give a special thanks to the sheriff and his department for helping take care of us and a special thanks to Dr. Kamal for helping to take care of Bob and me. It is a blessing to have such good people right here in our community that care about other people and want to help each other.

I have enjoyed this morning and I am looking forward to this day. For lunch we are going to have turnip greens, fried sweet potatoes, a skillet of good brown fried cornbread and a big pot of pinto beans and like Grandpa Jones used to say with all the trimmings.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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