Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Receives Recognition for quick action

Taylor Brett King, center, is shown accepting his certificate of recognition from Mayor Jonah Keltner, left, and Captain Matt Tiller, right, of the Lewis County Sheriff’s Department.

It’s not everyday, you get a chance to be a hero. For Taylor (Brett) King, his opportunity presented itself March 6th, while working at the Lewis County Transfer Station.

Mr. King was working when a female customer pulled her vehicle up to discard trash. She was getting out of the car when her foot got hung in the door while still in reverse, and she fell. The vehicle began rolling backwards in reverse as she was hanging out of it, crying for help. Mr. King didn’t hesitate as he jumped into her car, slammed on the brakes and put the vehicle in park.

“Brett’s actions in the face of this emergen...


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