Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


“It is the duty of your Grand

Jurors to investigate any public

offense which they know or have

reason to believe has been committed

and which is triable or indictable

in this county. Any person

having knowledge or proof

that such an offense has been

committed may apply to testify

before the Grand Jury subject

to the provisions of Tennessee

Code Annotates, 40-12-104.”

The foreperson of this county

is presently: Bobby Page, 2844

Buffalo Road, Hohenwald, Tennessee.

“The Grand Jury will meet

on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 9:00

a.m. You may be prosecuted

for perjury for any oral or written

statement which you may make

under oath to the Grand Jury,

when you know the statement to

be false, and when the statement

touches on a matter material to

the point in question.”

This the 6th day of April, 2020.

Barbara Hinson,

Circuit Court Clerk

Lewis County, Tennessee



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