Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Couple of the Month

Series: Couple of the Month | Story 3

Husband: Bradley Einglett, 42

Wife: Cassady Einglett, 39

Q.) How old was you when you started dating?

A.) Bradley: I was about to turn 30.

Cassady: I was 26.

Q.) How long did you date before you got married?

A.) We dated about two years before we got married.

Q.) When was your wedding date?

A.) December 3, 2012

Q.) Husband: What do you remember about your first date?

A.) I remember getting food poisoning after going on our first lunch date. I was sick for about five days, had to get fluids at the hospital three times. Cassady took care of me even though I was really hateful to her because I felt so bad.

Q.) Wife: What is your idea of the perfect date?

A.) If I’m being honest I have to say any alone time I get with Bradley without our children I cherish because they are few and far between. I am thankful for any and all time with him.

Q.) Both Husband and Wife: What do you feel your greatest weakness is?

A.) Cassady: I have to be in control.

Bradley: I feel that I’m the nice parent, My wife feels I could be a little tougher, and not let the kids get away with everything.

Q.) Both Husband and Wife: What do you feel your greatest strength is?

A.) Cassady: I feel we work well together. We agree on most every thing. Now that we are clean and sober, everything is so different but in a positive way.

Bradley: Pretty much everything my wife said, we are just better together sober.

Q.) Can you both tell us how Hope Center saved your marriage?

A.) Cassady: We had already filed for divorce, but with our friendship and him being the father of my children, after he got to Hope Center and I saw the changes in him and our relationship, I could feel it was going to be different this time.

Bradley: I feel having a relationship with God has helped me more than anything. Going to church as a family was a big big help to our relationship.

Cassady: We both also had to put the past in the past and leave it there.

Q.) Wife: Would you say your husband is your best friend?

A.) Yes, and so much more.

Q.) Husband: Can you tell our readers something they can do as a couple to strengthen their marriage?

A.) God is the only way our marriage and our family was restored. And none of this would have been possible without the Hope Center. We were in completely different places in our lives when I went to jail. Me going to Hope Center helped us so much. Like my wife said, we left the past in the past, and let God heal our family.

Q.) Is there anything you would like to share with our readers that my questions may not have touched on?

A.) We feel it’s very important to set aside the time for each other and having your own personal relationship with God.


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