Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan, Contributing Writer

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley. It is very quiet here on the front porch. The cats are taking a nap, they ate their breakfast and went back to bed. The neighbor’s cows are grazing in their pasture and I just saw a squirrel in a tree here in the front yard. Bob is washing the breakfast dishes and I am having my coffee. I heard an airplane go over and even it seemed to have a lonesome sound, it was not very loud and it sounded far away. I am enjoying every minute of this quiet time, but I know outside of our little valley there is a lot of trouble everywhere, I am so grateful that we still have a little of this quiet and peacefulness here in our little town.

We were out early the other morning and as we went through town there was a young couple with a baby in a stroller and a little toddler walking along side them on the sidewalk, we saw another man sitting on a bench, we saw other people out walking with their dogs, and of course we also saw police cars on the roads and I know they were there keeping a watch. I am so thankful that in our hometown that people can still get out and enjoy the peace, but I know that our town is growing and that we may lose some of our peacefulness but I pray we can keep it as long as we can. I also pray for our law enforcement and first responders because they are on the front line of keeping the peace and taking care of us, and they are just a phone call away and when we need them they will come.

I went to the grocery store the other day and picked up a few things, I checked my list from the last time and all but three items have gone up in price. Prices are not going down, some things go down a little for a while but then they go back up and the sizes and amounts of thing are getting smaller. We all need to cut back where ever we can and if we just take a little time and check we all can cut back a little. I saw an elder lady shopping and she had a small amount in her cart and then I saw a younger couple and their cart was full, I saw what was in the elder lady’s cart and it was the necessities and things to make meals with, the other couple’s cart was full of pre-made meals and preprocessed foods, there sure was a big difference.

Peoples garden are coming on now, some gardens have done well but others have not, some people have had to plant twice. I do not know if these short hard rain showers that we have been getting and then the sun comes out really hot and bright are good for the gardens, some tender young plants can get burnt.

Our blueberries are almost gone, last year I can a few jars of blueberry juice for the winter but I have not canned much of anything this year. We did not have a garden this year, but we may have one next year.

We are both doing much better now, thank all of you for your prayers. Bob is trying to get out and walk a little and do some exercises. Being able to get out and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air does wonders for a person

Today is going to be a busy day, I have got some cleaning and laundry to do, and soon it will be lunch time, I have got a pot of pinto beans on slow cooking and I will make a big pan of brown cornbread, there is just something about cooking cornbread in a big cast iron skillet, it sure seems to taste extra good.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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