Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Detrimental Conditions

State Suspends Admissions at Local Nursing Home

Earlier this year, The Board for Licensing Health Care Facilities responded to several tips, and reports of abuse and "disgusting living conditions" at the local AHC Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Following those reports led the board to travel to Hohenwald, Tennessee to conduct an investigation. That ended June 1 and revealed violations of licensure statutes and regulations that are "detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of residents."

According to law, "the executive director has the authority to suspend the admission of any new patients or residents to any facility or licensee in cases where the Executive Director has a factual basis.

After the investigation, the facility was cited with federal deficiencies, to include deficiencies at the Immediate Jeopardy scope and severity.

The following facts were revealed for AHC Lewis County and mailed to them on June 12, 2023:

(1) Based on policy review, medical record review, and interviews, it was determined that the facility failed to report multiple allegations of abuse against multiple residents to the State Survey Agency, Adult Protective Services, or Law Enforcement. Unreported incidents include allegations of verbal abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and assault, among others. One resident was allegedly responsible for multiple issues of abuse, yet none were reported.

(2) Surveyors observed multiple residents in need of personal hygiene care. Resident conditions included black buildup under fingernails, sheets soiled with urine and bowel movement, residents soiled with urine and bowel movement for unreasonable periods of time, and missing documentation regarding residents being showered. Facility staff confirmed these resident conditions were not acceptable.

(3) Surveyors observed over-bed tables in multiple rooms with old food particles, uncleaned spills, rust and various other signs of uncleanliness and/or disrepair. Facility staff confirmed the tables were in poor condition and should have been cleaned, repaired and/or replaced.

(4) Surveyors noted a strong odor of urine in the 500 hall of the facility, as well as in nearby rooms. The odor persisted over several days. Facility staff confirmed that such odors should have been investigated and eliminated.

(5) Surveyors observed a facility staff member handle blood soiled linen in a biohazard bag, place the bag in the biohazard room, and then continue about their business without washing their hands. The staff member confirmed to the surveyor that they should have washed their hands.

(6) Surveyors observed a facility staff member provide incontinent care to a resident, remove their gloves, and proceed to administer medication without washing their hands. The staff member confirmed to the surveyor that they should have washed their hands.

(7) Based on policy review, medical record review, and interviews, it was determined that the facility failed to ensure a required laboratory test and medication order was implemented for two of five sampled residents. Facility staff confirmed that these oversights should not have taken place.

It was determined that the facts and findings were sufficient to establish that grounds for the Suspension of Admissions and issuance of Civil Monetary Penalties by the Executive Director against Respondent's Nursing Home license.

* Based upon these facts, the Executive Director ordered that the admission of new residents at AHC Lewis County be suspended, effective June 17, 2023.

* AHC Lewis County is ordered to pay the total Civil Monetary Penalty assessment of $30,000.

* They are also ordered to be appointed (by the Executive Director) a monitor to be present in the facility for a minimum of twenty hours per week in order to observe operations and submit written reports.

* AHC LC must also post a copy of this order on the public entrance doors (photo above) of the facility as long as it remains effective, as well as inform any person who inquires about the admission of a new resident of the provisions of the order and make a copy of the order available to them.

In order for the Suspension of Admissions to be lifted, the cited conditions must be corrected so as to remove the detriment to the health, safety, or welfare of the residents, as verified by a follow-up survey of the facility conducted by the Commission.

A copy of the order was delivered to 119 Kittrell Street, and a digital copy was emailed to Administrator Celeste Blocker at [email protected].

For clarity, and in the name of fairness and justice, the Lewis County Herald reached out to Ms. Blocker on two separate platforms for a statement. At the time of print, she had not responded.


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