Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Life as Art

Art of Live Performance Theater: The Vital Role of Small Plays in Community Theater

Community theater is a vibrant mixture blended together by the passion and dedication of local artists, actors, directors, and technicians. Within this mix, small plays hold a special place, representing a crucial element in the thriving ecosystem of theatrical expression. These intimate productions may lack the grandeur of their larger counterparts, but they serve a purpose that is just as vital, if not more so, in fostering a sense of unity and cultural enrichment within a community.

Small plays, such as the recent performance of “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” by Little Prince Theatre Company at Rockhouse Coffee Company & Event Center, offer a unique opportunity for aspiring actors to hone their craft and for seasoned performers to stretch their artistic boundaries. The intimate setting provided by the Rockhouse Event Center allows for a closer connection between actors and audience, creating an immersive and energetic experience that can be deeply moving and transformative. In these smaller play/musical productions, the nuances of facial expressions and subtle gestures are not lost in a sea of distant faces; rather, they resonate powerfully with every spectator. By doing so, they forge a stronger bond between the theater and its audience, sparking conversations and fostering a sense of shared identity.

The production of small plays also opens doors for emerging playwrights, providing a platform for their voices to be heard. These budding authors often draw inspiration from their immediate surroundings, weaving stories that resonate with the community on a personal level. This not only enriches the cultural landscape but also encourages the growth of local talent, nurturing a fertile ground for artistic innovation.

Moreover, small plays are often more accessible in terms of cost and location, making them an inclusive form of entertainment. Families, students, and individuals of various economic backgrounds can participate in and enjoy these productions without the barriers of exorbitant ticket prices or distant venues.

In essence, small plays are the heart and soul of community theater. “Seven Brides For Seven Brothers” boasted a quality cast, impressive score, wonderful singing voices, athleticism in choreography, and an overall feel-good projection—something desperately needed today. It was at times ridiculously silly but always entertaining in its artistic exploration of the original 1954 CinemaScope musical. Bravo and Congrats, to Little Prince Theatre Company!

By attending and supporting these local productions, we not only nurture our local artistic ecosystem but also contribute to the cultural enrichment and cohesion of our community as a whole. Hopefully, there will be more of these events in store for Hohenwald’s future!


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