Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Board of Education December meeting

Series: Board of Education | Story 3

The Lewis County Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street, Hohenwald, Tn. Board members present were Board Chair Lindsey Himes, Vice Chair Paula Dyer, Matthew Adkins, Glenda Atkinson, Derek Cotham, Cassie Couch, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock. A workshop was held at 5:30 p.m. prior to the regular scheduled meeting.

The invocation was given by Billy Dyer. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Adkins.

Band members from the Lewis County High School played several Christmas tunes for those in attendance under the direction of Adam McInnes.

Mrs. Dyer introduced the high school student council members that were recently selected. The student council members are: Mary Halfacre, Adilyn Miller, Cole Spann Andalyn Himes, McKinley Sullivan, Raylee Baker, Anna Burney, Kylie Runions, Rylee Roberson, Andie Starcher and Ryder Ward. Mrs. Dyer explained that the members that were present will be observing tonight and that they may have input at the next board meeting.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Adkins, passed unanimously to the add-on under new business listed under the consent agenda.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, the consent agenda was unanimously approved with the add-on.


• Approve previous minutes from the November 20, 2023, special called meeting.

• Adopt agenda.

• Approve payroll and miscellaneous warrants.

• Approve $5000 stipend to Sasha Powers to be the PR/School Communications Coordinator.

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, the budget amendments were approved unanimously.

• Budget Amendments

Add-on to new business: Discussion/ action regarding a one-time stipend of $500 per full time employees and $300 per part time employees. Substitutes are considered part-time employees.


Director’s report

• Accepted resignation of Hayli Gilbert, LCES Paraprofessional, effective December 1, 2023

• Transferred Brandon Grady, Substitute teacher to LCES Paraprofessional effective December 1, 2023.

• Accepted resignation of Julie James, LCMS Paraprofessional, effective November 27, 2023.

• Dr. McAbee recognized board member Paula Dyer for her recent accomplishments. He stated that she reached level 5 TSBA board member and an all-state board member in which there were only 5 in the entire state. Director McAbee further stated that she accomplished this in three years.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS-There was no unfinished business to discuss.

NEW BUSINESS: Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Adkins, item a) under new business was approved unanimously.

• Approve travel for FFA officers and advisors to Tennessee FFA Convention in Gatlinburg, Tn. Officers and advisors will leave on Sunday, March 24, 2024, and return on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

Upon motion by Mrs. Pollock and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item b) under new business was approved unanimously.

• Approve travel for Lewis County High School and Middle School Honor Band members to Austin Peay State University on February 22, 2024, and returning February 24, 2024.

Prior to the approval of item c) under new business, Shannon Lane, LCMS Paraprofessional and Cross County coach presented to each board member a detailed presentation for the LCHS Track and Field team. Highlighted details included key components, benefits, program description, eligibility, interest, timeline, events 2023/2024 revenue sources, budget and meet schedule. Mr. Mitchell asked Ms. Lane who would be the head coach of the track team. Ms. Lane stated that she was very interested in being the head coach. Chair Himes explained to Ms. Lane that the board will not be voting on this item tonight but that it will be discussed at the board’s retreat that is being planned for January 2024. Dr. McAbee agreed to leave this as a discussion item and put that on the agenda for the board retreat and hopefully the board will decide something by the February board meeting.

• Discuss/Approve adding Track and Field as a spring sport to LCHS. No vote needed on this item.

Prior to the approval of item d) under new business Dr. McAbee explained to the board members that there was a packet in their board packet that explains the 5% increase for Lewis County Schools effective January 2024. He stated that Vicki Tiller went through every employees information to arrive at the figures that were included in this packet. Director McAbee stated he wanted to remind everyone that Lewis County Schools pay 70% of the employee’s insurance premiums. He further stated that this was a very good benefit for the employees of Lewis County Schools. Dr. McAbee stated that this money was budgeted back in May. Dr. McAbee’s recommendation was for the board approve to pay the 5% increase in employees’ health insurance premiums. Chair Himes reminded everyone that this would be effective January 2024 through December 2024. Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, item d) under new business was unanimously approved. Chair Himes requested a roll-call vote: and all members voted yes with the exception of Cassie Couch who abstained.

• Approve Lewis County Board of Education to pay the increase in employee health insurance that begins in January 2024.

Chair Himes requested that the add-on under new business be discussed next prior to going into board policies. Therefore, the add-on will become item e) under new business.

Prior to the vote on item e) under new business, Chair Himes explained that this is a one-time bonus for the employees of Lewis County. Mrs. Atkinson commented that she was glad that the substitute teachers were included in the bonus because of all their hard work. Dr. McAbee pointed out that bus drivers are now considered full-time. Dr. McAbee further explained that if an employee works 35 hours or more a week, then they are considered full-time. He further explained that the checks should be available by next week before everyone leaves for Christmas holidays. Mrs. Atkinson asked about how much this would cost the board for the bonuses. Director McAbee figured approximately 145,000 dollars.

Upon motion by Mr. Adkins and seconded by Mrs. Atkinson, item e) under new business was approved.

Chair Himes asked for a roll call vote and all members voted yes with the exception of Cody Mitchell who abstained.

• Add-on to new business: Discussion/ action regarding a one-time stipend of $500 per full time employees and $300 per part time employees. Substitutes are considered part-time employees.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Couch, item f) under new business was unanimously approved to approve all policies together.

• Board Policies

Policy 1.105 - School Board Legislative Involvement (NEW POLICY)

1.701 - School District Planning

Policy 2.400 - Revenues

Policy 2.601 - Fundraising Activities

Policy 2.8051 - Debit Cards, Credit Cards, & Credit Lines(new policy)

Policy 4.603 - Promotion and Retention


Mrs. Dyer stated that Larry Leigh wanted to extend his thanks for remembering him during the loss of his sister. She also reminded everyone to please continue to keep Dana Davis in your prayers for the loss of her husband, Ashlyn Brewer for the loss of her grandfather and Melissa McCann for the loss of her husband.

Chair Himes reminded the board that the next regular scheduled meeting will be January 9, 2024. She stated that everyone would be together on January 8, 2024, for the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new high school. Chair Himes asked if there would be a need for a workshop. Dr. McAbee suggested waiting and have a workshop at the February 2024 board meeting since this would be after the retreat. Members agreed to hold off until February for the next workshop.

Mrs. Leigh reminded board members that there would be a Christmas dinner at the Casa Grande immediately following adjournment.


Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mr. Cotham, the meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

The Lewis County Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street, Hohenwald, Tn. Board members present were Board Chair Lindsey Himes, Vice Chair Paula Dyer, Matthew Adkins, Glenda Atkinson, Derek Cotham, Cassie Couch, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock.

The invocation was given by Cody Mitchell. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Derek Cotham.

Chair Himes turned the meeting over to Ms. Dyer for the student advisory committee. Mrs. Dyer introduced Senior Mary Halfacre to the board and Ms. Halfacre presented to the board members the student advisory committee’s report. Ms. Halfacre commented on the positive changes that were happening to the high school. Among those changes are the addition of the classes such as home economics, and teaching as a profession classes. She further stated that the teachers are going above and beyond to ensure that students are receiving a great education. Ms. Halfacre stated that the students were so fortunate to have Ashley Forrester, Ayers Foundation Consultant, to help students to prepare them for college. She stated that she did ask students what areas they thought could be improved. Ms. Halfacre stated that the lower classman gets to experience work ethics on Wednesday. She stated that maybe something like this for the upper classmen would be great. Another area for improvement was the availability of foreign languages. She stated that Spanish was the only foreign language offered now. She stated that French and ASL was offered in the past and many students stated that they would like to experience something other than Spanish and English. She stated that she would like to give a shout out to Dr. Melissa Burney, LCHS vice principal, for her continued encouragement and support to the students at LCHS. Dr. McAbee stated that this was a testament of the student body and their parents for wanting to be a part of their civic duty. Dr. McAbee thanked Paula Dyer for getting this student council group together. Ms. Couch stated that she would like to see ASL be offered at the high school level because it is already being offered in the intermediate school. Mrs. Pollock stated that she really did enjoy having Latin in school. Dr. McAbee agreed that Latin is important as vocabulary is one of the building blocks of reading comprehension.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Adkins, the consent agenda was unanimously approved.


• Approved previous minutes from the December 12, 2023, regular called meeting.

• Adopted agenda.

• Approved payroll and miscellaneous warrants.

• Approved quarterly report.


• Accepted resignation from Brandon Grady, as LCES paraprofessional, effective December 13, 2023.

• Accepted resignation from Courtney Ankrapp, LCHS biology teacher, effective January 4, 2024.

• Accepted resignation from Monnie Edge, LCHS ELA teacher, effective January 4, 2024.

• Transferred Sara Evans, substitute teacher to LCMS Special Ed. Paraprofessional effective January 8, 2024.

• Transferred Patricia Loggins, substitute teacher to LCES paraprofessional effective January 8, 2024.

• Transferred Paris Thompson, LCHS Middle College Facilitator, to LCHS biology classroom teacher effective January 4, 2024.

• Transferred Christina Smith, substitute teacher to LCHS Middle College Facilitator effective January 8, 2024.

• Dr. McAbee stated that the groundbreaking for the new high school went well, and he thanked everyone for attending. He stated that Sasha streamed it live on Facebook. Following the groundbreaking, he stated that there was a pre-con meeting. Those in attendance for the pre-con meeting were the architect, Nabholz representative, Mr. Clardy, USDA representative and Marty Spears. Nabholz is confident they will beat the 18-month timeline. They want to make LCHS the school to look at in Middle Tennessee for their company. Ms. Atkinson stated that she was happy to see those in attendance at the groundbreaking and especially all the dignitaries that took time to come. Mrs. Pollock asked if Jesse Clardy will be moving here. Dr. McAbee stated that if the board approves him to be project manager, then he is to move here so that he can be here 5 days a week.

• Mr. Mitchell stated that last month there was a discussion about the film on the high school doors and he was wondering if anything else had been done. He stated that while he was at high school he went and looked at the film and he was not too impressed with the work that has been done. Dr. McAbee stated that he and Mr. Trull met today, and they are going to meet with another company on January 23, 2024, that installs film and cameras. Mr. Trull stated he had spoken with Joe Klein to see if he could give us reasons for how it looks. He said he would look at it and see if it could be improved. It is a thick film and when you put the adhesive on, if is not done correctly and you try to skim over it, you get the look we have now. He stated that he was anxious to see what this other company would say. Mrs. Pollock asked if this company had been paid. Dr. McAbee stated that they have been paid and only for the high school. Director McAbee further stated that he has looked at it also and the film must be thick as the thinner it gets the weaker it is. Mr. Mitchell stated that it looks like a kindergarten student went through with glue. Mrs. Himes stated that she looked at the doors too. She stated that it does not look as bad on the back doors as it does on the steel doors. Some look better than others. Mr. Mitchell asked about the doors in the new high school and will they be reinforced. Mrs. Himes stated that the new state law requires these doors and windows be installed in the new school building. Mr. Trull stated that the state law states new construction must have it. Dr. McAbee added that we were outside the requirement when we had final approval in April, but since USDA did not meet this time frame we now have to comply. Nabholz is aware of it. Dr. McAbee stated that Nabholz is confident they can take care of this with the contingency fund. Dr. McAbee further stated that the construction group will meet every other Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. and he will type up the minutes from these meetings and give them to each of the board members.

• Dr. McAbee stated that he has asked Angela Leigh to change the agenda format so it will all be on one sheet. All supporting documents will be attached to the back of the agenda. He stated that he wanted to try this new agenda format and to let him know if they did not like the new format.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS-There was no unfinished business to discuss.


• Discussion/Action regarding approval to get Requests For Proposals (RFP) on capital projects that require an architect.

Dr. McAbee stated that will a lot of work to be done with the renovation of the current high school so that the middle school will have a new school to attend. He stated that he was very appreciative of Brad Martin for all that he has done for the new high school. However, he stated that he does like competition, and he would like to get proposals in case there is someone that has a lower bid. Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item number 1) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Discussion/Action regarding the approval of amending Gary Clardy’s contract to include an additional $80,000 for construction consultant.

Chair Himes stated that, Mr. Clardy has done us right and does what he says he will do. He has the contacts we need to get projects completed. Mr. Mitchell stated he has saved us more money than what we are proposing to give him. Ms. Couch stated he tells it like it is even if someone’s feelings are hurt. Dr. McAbee stated that there is no doubt that he is a man of integrity. The delay with USDA has caused the project to take 6 more months than originally planned. Chair Himes questioned if this includes getting the new things taken care of? Dr. McAbee stated that this is finishing our high school project, and he thinks that this is a fair amount.

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mrs. Pollock was unanimously approved. Chair Himes requested a roll-call vote. All members voted yes.

• Discussion/Action regarding the approval of Jesse Clardy to be a full-time inspector for the new High School for an amount of $4,583.33 per month.

Dr. McAbee explained to board members that the $4,583.33 is by the month. We negotiated and this would be around $55,000 per year which is a common salary for a full-time inspector for USDA. We decided to pay him by the month to cover the time it will take to finish the project. Ms. Couch made a motion to approve Jessie Clardy to be full-time inspector. Chair Himes asked that before the board voted she wanted to make sure that he meets USDA qualifications. Dr. McAbee stated that he did because Gary Clardy is qualified and everything that Jessie does has to go through him. Mrs. Dyer seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously. Chair Himes asked for a roll call vote. All members voted yes.

• Discussion/Action regarding hiring Gary Clardy to create a comprehensive 5-year capital projects plan for the entire district. The cost is $12,000.00.

Mrs. Atkinson asked if we have $12 million in our capital outlay budget. Dr. McAbee explained that it is in two places. In 177 we had $10 million but paid Brad Martin, engineer, $800,000 from that fund so there is $9.2 million in that one. In 141 we have $9 million. We will extinguish 177 first and when we use it and take $3 million from 141, we will have around $6 million left. Mrs. Adkinson asked with one does that sales tax go in to? Dr. McAbee explained that it goes into 177 and that Mike Webb told him that this increases by about $50,000 per month. Dr. McAbee stated we have many projects planned in the future. Mr. Mitchell made a motion to approve hiring Gary Clardy to create a comprehensive 5-year plan and was seconded by Mrs. Atkinson and was approved unanimously. Chair Himes asked for a roll-call vote. All members voted yes.


Chair Himes reminded the board members that they will be meeting on Saturday at the Drury Inn in Franklin, Tennessee beginning at 10:00 a.m. She stated that the meeting has been posted and that lunch will be served.

Mrs. Atkinson reminded board members to make sure that they get their statement of interest into the stated and that it is due by January 16, 2024.

Dr. McAbee stated that he has given each board member a copy of the revenue and expenditure reports in their packets.

Ms. Couch said that since it was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day that she wanted to let the SRO officers know how much they are appreciated.

Mr. Mitchell reminded everyone that the legislative body is in session. He informed members to let him know if they have any questions or concerns and he would share them.

Dr. McAbee stated that we would need to put on the February agenda to pass a resolution against vouchers if you all are against them. Mr. Mitchell stated that the legislative body is waiting to see what the wording will be on the voucher resolution they are voting on.

Mrs. Atkinson stated that we need to continue to keep Dana Davis in our prayers for the recent loss of her loved ones.

Chair Himes announced that the next regular scheduled meeting will be February 13, 2024, and that there will be a workshop prior to the meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m.


Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Atkinson, the meeting was approved unanimously and adjourned at 6:38 p.m.


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