Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Well recently here in our little valley we have been having some rain and thunder and even a little hail, but they are forecasting sunny and warmer weather ahead and they are not calling for any bad cold or hard freezing temperatures.

Every day we are getting a little closer to Spring. The cats do not like rainy mornings much more than the snowy mornings, when it is raining they get up and eat their breakfast and then they go back to bed. They must be fair weather cats, give them sunshine and they are happy.

We are all feeling better, we were really sick there for a little while. This Winter there sure have been a lot of sick people with different things. I think that the warmer days we have had has made a lot of people feel better.

I was thinking about how much sickness there is lately, and all the bad news that we have been hearing about, and all the negative things going on and almost everyone you talk to has some kind of aggravating problems. You know it is easy to get down, so I thought to myself I have to get up and get busy doing things, when your busy you seem to be making things better.

I got my broom and went out to sweep off the porch and I looked across the yard, and some of you may remember years ago we had a big storm come through and it blew down a tree at the edge of our yard, well the stump from that tree was so big that we could not get it out so we had to leave it, that Spring around that stump the ground was covered in buttercups, the most I have ever seen. Well today I looked out there and there is green buttercups coming up and they have one or two little yellow flowers coming out on them.

I thought with all this trouble and problems around us, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow can be a better day, the flowers will bloom, the sun will shine and the trees will come out. We can make tomorrow be a better day. That is why I am not going to worry about tomorrow.

Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed and the kitchen is clean. The cats are still hungry, they have come back to eat some more breakfast. The birds are at their feeders in the backyard, they are keeping Bobby busy with keeping the birdfeeders full, but we enjoy watching them and I know they enjoy the feed.

I did some more early Spring cleaning this week. I cleaned out and organized my closet, I am getting ready to put all the Winter clothes away before long, I know we still have at least another month of Winter to go but Spring is getting closer.

We were out running errands on one of the last real warm days and I saw people out working and walking and kids playing, everyone was out enjoying a little sunshine when they could.

Ladies I have started another afghan. In the evenings I crochet some times and some times I quilt, I love to do both. After we finish our supper I sit down and sew or crochet every night, I do not have much time during the day but I can relax a little in the evenings.

I have got to get busy, today we are mostly going to have leftovers for dinner, so I know we are going to have chicken and dumplings, but I will still have to cook a little something else but I am not sure what, one problem with being well prepared is you have lots of choice.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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