Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Person Of The Week: Jerry Mcdonald

Q.) Where did you grow up?

A.) Mostly in Hohenwald, TN.

Q.) What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

A.) Hunting with my Dad. I would beg to go but when you had to sit quietly and the mosquitos buzzing around your head was rough.

Q.) What did you want to be as a kid? What did you actually become?

A.) I probably wanted to be a baseball player. I really enjoy watching my grandson, Brycen, play that and football.

I became a tree surgeon and pastor.

Q.) Who was/is your biggest role model?

A.) My Dad.

Q.) What are some of your favorite hobbies/ how do you like to spend your free time?

A.) I like to garden, read biographies about men of God that are spiritual leaders, going to ballgames to watch my grandkids cheer or play ball.

Q.) If you could go anywhere, in or out of the states, where would it be? Why?

A.) I would like to travel to Alaska or maybe back to Israel. I would love to see the beautiful scenery in Alaska.

Q.) What is "your" song?

A.) I love Amazing Grace! I like the old hymns about God's Grace.

Q.) What is one of your favorite things about living in Hohenwald?

A.) I like living in Hohenwald because of the community support and how people come together in times of need. I like being able to put the Nativity and Resurrection at the courthouse and how people still appreciate and support the things of God.

Q.) What is your favorite time of year? Why?

A.) Spring or Fall; New life coming forth, gardening time.

Q.) What do you enjoy most about your job?

A.) My joy in pastoring is seeing people come to the Lord and growing in their faith.

Q.) Is there any life advice you could give to our readers?

A.) My life advice to all folks is to trust and obey God. Work hard, be honest, love your family. Love God and love your country. Fight for what is right!!


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