Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Person Of The Week-Vanessa Ogg

Q.) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

A.) I moved here from Colorado and started second grade in Lewis county and have been living here since. Im happily married to the most caring man with a huge heart for going on 2 years but we've been together going on 9 years. I work at Family Nail Spa as a manicurist and have been doing nails for 6 years.

Q.) Where did you grow up?

A.) right here in Lewis County!

Q.) What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

A.) family reunions at my grandparents house and being with all of my cousins. *Those*were the good old days!

Q.) What did you want to be as a kid? What did you actually become?

A.) I wanted to be a nurse or anything in the medical field but the week I wanted to sign up for LPN school I went in there and randomly signed up for the Manicurist program. I like to think that was God leading me in the right direction for my career and I'm happy he did because I absolutely love what I do.

Q.) Who was/is your biggest role model?

A.) I'd have to say my husbands granny, Melba Ogg! She had the purest heart, loved and lived by the lord, loved her family and would do just about anything for anyone! She taught me so much in the time I had with her and I'll forever be grateful for that. We all miss her so much!

Q.) What are some of your favorite hobbies/ how do you like to spend your free time?

A.) Im always on the go but when I do have free time I like to cook and spend time with family!

Q.) If you could go anywhere, in or out of the states, where would it be? Why?

A.) Mexico! because that's where some of my family live that I've never had the opportunity to meet. I've heard it's beautiful there and I'd love to dig deep into my roots and learn more about my culture and where some of my family come from.

Q.) What is "your" song?

A.) it's a Christian song called Oceans from Hillsong UNITED. Every time I hear this song my mind is at ease. If you've never listened to it, you should. It's a good one.

Q.) What is one of your favorite things about living in Hohenwald?

A.) The community! You could move here and know absolutely nobody or you could live here your whole life and the community would still come together to help out whoever it is in need and I love Christmas in Hohenwald every year! The Christmas lights light up our town like a Christmas Hallmark movie!

Q.) What is your favorite time of year? Why?

A.) Winter for sure because of Christmas. Growing up my mom was a single mother of 5 kids. She worked hard to provide for us kids on her own so when it came to Christmas we didn't really have one because financially she couldn't afford it but we always played games and ate Christmas dinner with family. Now that I'm in a position where I can provide for my family on Christmas I love to go all out! I know it's not about the gifts but It bring so much joy to my life watching my families faces light up.

Q.) What do you enjoy most about your job?

A.) Everything! I couldn't ask for a better crew to work with. I have amazing clients and throughout the years I've made close friends with most of them and some are more like family to me now! I can be a listening ear, a friend, and I have the opportunity to meet new people!

Q.) Do you have a nick name?

A.) Nessa, Nesser, or Ness!

Q.) If you could spend one day as a TV character, who would it be?

A.) Honestly, I'm not really sure!

Q.) Is there any life advice you could give to our readers?

A.) follow your passion and dreams! If at times you fail get back up dust yourself off and try again! You can do anything you put your mind, heart, and effort into.


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