Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Purple Hearts & Turkey Hunting

DoubleCreek hosted their 9th annual turkey hunt for Purple Heart recipients right here in Lewis County. This event is coordinated through Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation ( and hosted by Dennis Reynolds and Shelley Cohen. With incredible support from this and surrounding communities, these 5 heroes had an opportunity to connect with a commonality of being wounded while serving.

Purple Heart recipients represented the Army and Marines were from Pennsylvania, Alabama, North Carolina, Nevada, and Missouri. They served during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom with one of the participants currently active duty.

Their injuries have had a life-long impact on their overall health and well-being. They are very appreciative of the volunteer guides and other community members that are integral to the success of these events.

Volunteer guides included Jared Hinson, Chase Moore, Mike Mullen, Matt Nuzzi, and Eddie Duckworth. Game Wardens Jonas Cothran and Clint Newton donated ice and met up with the group to thank them for their service.

One can see how these events are a true community effort and outpouring of support for those who served and continue to serve on our behalf. Excerpts from some of their notes left behind are noted below;

"This was a great getaway in my life and the veterans made me feel meaningful in this life. It was good therapy and a very good time hunting turkeys." ZJ, US Marines

"It was amazing being around the military type again. Since I left the Army, I have often felt alone, disconnected, and lost. Taking part in this hunt felt like sunshine on my soul." SG, US Army

This weekend of sportsmanship offers a setting that encourages these heroes to connect with other Purple Heart recipients who understand the impact of being a wounded warrior.

It is the love of the outdoors, sportsmanship, and the need to connect with other Warriors that is critical to the healing process. Whether it is traumatic brain injury, limb/back disability or post- traumatic stress disorder, or survivor's guilt- these events bolster self-confidence while strengthening a bond with nature and others.

The support of the local and surrounding communities helps to ensure the success of these events and we extend a big thank you to our volunteer guides as well as those who helped with food preparation and preparing the hunting sites

A documentary featuring DoubleCreek and interviews with WWIA Purple Heart veterans who have benefited from these events is available for viewing at:

The Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation was founded in 2007 and is dedicated to serving our nation's combat wounded, Purple Heart recipients, by providing world-class outdoor sporting activities. This recognition of their sacrifice promotes healing and wellness through camaraderie and a shared passion for the outdoors.

Our next events will be deer hunts held in November and December. Those interested in donating their time, funds, or other items, please contact Dennis Reynolds at 615 969 1078. Of note is the December deer hunt will be for female Purple Heart recipients. We are looking for female experienced deer hunters to volunteer as guides for these heroes!


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