Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Senior Health and Fitness Classes: The benefits of Exercise for Seniors

As we age, regular exercise is more important than ever for our body and mind!

Exercise helps us maintain or lose weight. As metabolism naturally slows with age, maintaining a healthy weight is a challenge. Exercise helps increase metabolism and builds muscle mass, helping to burn more calories. When our body reaches a healthy weight, our overall wellness will improve.

Exercise reduces the impact of illness and chronic disease. Among the many benefits include improved immune function, better heart health and blood pressure, better bone density, and better digestive functioning.

Exercise enhances mobility, flexibility, and balance. Exercise improves our strength, flexibility and posture, which in turn will help with balance, coordination, and reducing the risk of falls. Strength also helps alleviate the symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis.

Exercise improves our sleep. Poor sleep is not an inevitable consequence of aging and quality sleep is important for our overall health. Exercise often improves sleep, help us fall asleep more quickly and sleep more deeply.

Exercise boost mood and self-confidence. Endorphins produced by exercise can actually help us feel better and reduce feelings of sadness or depression. Being active and feeling strong naturally helps us feel more self-confident and sure of ourselves.

Exercise is good for the brain. Exercise benefits regular brain functions and can keep the brain active, which can prevent memory loss, cognitive decline and dementia. Exercise may even help slow the progression of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Committing to a routine of physical activity is one of the healthiest decisions we can make. Before moving, though, consider getting a medical clearance for any health concerns, start slow, commit to a schedule, stay motivated and recognize any problems.

For more information call 931-796-5564 for the Lewis County Senior Health and Fitness Classes.


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