Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

City Council met

At this month’s City Council meeting, held on Tuesday, June 7, the City Mayor and Councilmen spoke about potentially raising fees in the future.

Before discussing business, Councilman Cody Mitchell asked if the council should talk about raising fees with the way the economy is going. He then added that he was only bringing the subject up because if there needed to be an increase, it should be gradual and not a big amount all at once.

Mayor Danny McKnight said they would probably have to in the future but did not want to presently. Vice Mayor Don Barber stated that he believed the only fee that might need to be raised was the tap fee, which is the fee when you install City water. All members agreed that they would need to look at the budget first before making any decisions.

The City Councilmen then moved onto old business where they had a second reading for two properties to be rezoned. The first was on Happy Hollow Road to be rezoned to an R-4, or a High Density Residential District, in order to build the tiny house vacation area. The property is in the proximity of other R-4 zoned properties and cannot be considered “spot zoning.” City Councilman Mitchell and Scotty Bass motioned to approve the rezoning, and all councilmen voted in favor.

The second property was 549 Swan Avenue. This property is being rezoned to an R-2 which is a Low Density Residential District. This parcel is also in the proximity of other R-2 properties and cannot be considered “spot zoning.” Councilman Barber and Mitchell motioned to approve the rezoning and the ordinance was passed in a unanimous vote.

Under new business, the City Council appointed Jack Heath as the City attorney once Councilmen Mitchell and Barber motioned to approve and all councilmen voted in favor, passing the resolution.


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