Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 55

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley, I have got my coffee and I am sitting on the front porch. It is a cool morning and of course the coffee always seems to taste better to me when it is a cool crisp morning. The cats have been fed and are just laying here enjoying the morning. The weather forecast is calling for hot weather all week so I got out a little early this morning and swept the front porch and watered my flowers. Most peoples gardens are doing really good, the apples on our old apple tree are getting bigger and it won’t be long now before we can start picking them. We call them June apples because they are always ready to pick in the last of June. Our blueberry bushes are full of berries. We have gotten a few blue blueberries, but just a handful so far but they sure are good.

A sweet lady sent me word where I might find some wide mouth jar lids, I haven’t gotten there yet but thank you E. Joyce, I am going to check that out. You know that is what I love about our little town, people always try to help one another in any way they can, and when hard times come we all stick together. With the way the world is today we need that more than ever. Gas is still going up and we are making fewer trips so that is helping to make it not as bad. We are cutting back a little here and there and it does make a difference. It has been another busy week, Bob has been working in his building, Bobby has been shampooing some of my floors and also cleaning out gutters and hauling more dirt. I have got a lot of things I need him to do, and I am also going to call Hunter to do some more things. Do you think they might start blocking my calls when they see it is me calling on their phones? I am having to go to physical therapy for my back but I am so much better. Thank you Trent Lewis and all the sweet people that have worked so hard to get me better, I love all of you. I am going this week to check about those jar lids. I have got my jars washed and ready to fill and I hope I will soon have every jar filled with lots of good food put back for this winter. I was thinking, you know summer starts next week on the 21st of this month and then September 22nd is the beginning of fall and that is just about three months away, where has this year gone? Time seems to be going too fast. I even find myself wondering what kind of winter we will have and if Hunter will cut our firewood for this winter. I know it is really too soon to be thinking about winter but with the good Lord willing it will be here and it will be here before we know it. My coffee cup is empty and the cats have gone to a shade. Bob has finished washing the breakfast dishes, I have had all my windows open and enjoying all the fresh cool morning air but it is warming up so I have got to close them. I am going to enjoy this day and I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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