Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Articles from the 'One Day At A Time' series

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 155

  • One day at a time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Oct 3, 2024

    Well it is a cool and windy morning here in our little valley. We sure have been getting some good and much needed rain, there has not been no real heavy downpours but steady and slow rain. Even the creeks are starting to get water in them. With the rain, wind and cooler temperatures it sure has felt more and more like Fall. It was a little cool last night so I put the cats a small blanket out and they were snuggled down into it this morning. There were not as many hummingbirds at their feeders this morning, maybe it is because of the cooler...

  • One day at a time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Sep 19, 2024

    Well it is cool morning here in our little valley. It almost feels like an early Fall morning, it was even a little too cool to sit out on the porch. I really like cool mornings like this. The cats were here early this morning to eat their breakfast, now they have snuggled down and they are taking their cat naps. I am so glad that we got some rain, when it was raining during the night I would wake up and hear the rain, it sounded so good. We sure have needed the rain, everything was really dry. I think this drought has been one of the longest...

  • One Day at a time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Aug 8, 2024

    Well it is a nice morning here in our little valley. There is a little breeze blowing and it is really comfortable here in the swing. There is not much noise this morning. I can hear a cow way off in the distance, I guess it is a mamma cow calling for her calf. I can see some of the neighbor's cows out in their pasture, they are enjoying the cool morning and grazing on the green grass. The cats have had their breakfast and they are stretched out here on the cool porch. One of the cats has decided to get up here in the swing next to me and take...

  • One day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Aug 1, 2024

    Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. Right now it is really comfortable and it has not gotten real humid yet. This morning we did have a little fog but not as much as we have been having, lately on some mornings the fogs have been real heavy. The cats were sitting at the door and waiting for their breakfast. They are always on time, I think they know what time it is, Bobby says that they have little Mickey Mouse wrist watches. The hummingbirds have been busy at their feeders. Bobby has been making up feed for them...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jul 25, 2024

    Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. It is cloudy and cool but not humid, it is very comfortable. We have had a little shower of rain and there is a breeze blowing. The cats have ate their breakfast and now are relaxing, they are really enjoying this cooler weather. They do not like the hot weather during the Summer and during the wintertime you can tell that they are just dealing with the snow and cold, but come Spring or Fall then that is their kind of weather. The birds in the yard are busy at their feeders....

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jul 18, 2024

    Well it has already gotten warm and humid early this morning here in our little valley. It is a quiet morning, there is not many sounds and it is very quiet. The cats have had their breakfast and are laying here on the front porch, the front porch is always cool early in the mornings. Later up in the morning they will go and find a cooler spot to nap for the rest of the day. Bob is washing the breakfast dishes and I am enjoying the front porch. There are lots of hummingbirds at their feeders. We got a good rain the day before and this morning...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jul 11, 2024

    Well it is a nice morning here in our little valley. I am sitting on the front porch swing and there is a nice breeze blowing. It is not as hot as it has been. The cats have really been enjoying this cooler weather, they are stretched out here on the porch taking their morning nap. Later when the day starts to warm up some more they will go and find a cool place to nap until supper time. The birds are singing and I am watching the neighbor’s cows grazing out in their pasture, everyone seems to be enjoying the little cooler weather. Last week w...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jul 4, 2024

    Well it is a quiet morning here in our little valley. There is a little breeze blowing but it is very humid. We have been having some really hot days and even the nights have been humid. It is so hot and humid that there are no birds or anything out this morning The cats ate their breakfast early and have now gone to try and find a cool spot to nap. We finally got some rain and there is a little in the creek, but we need a lot more because it has been so dry. The farmers in some places are in bad need of rain and in some places they are having...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jun 27, 2024

    Well it is a very warm morning here in our little valley. Right now there is a little breeze blowing and it is comfortable out here on the front porch, but it is quickly getting humid. This whole month of June has felt like Summer but we are just now in the beginnings of Summer, we have got lots more hot days ahead of us. The cats were here early for their breakfast. They sure are smart they ate breakfast while it was still cool out and now that it is warming up they have gone to find a cool shady place to nap for the day. When it is hot like t...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jun 20, 2024

    Well it is a warm and almost hot, sunny morning here in our little valley. It has already been feeling like summertime. Here on our front porch there is always a little cool breeze blowing and during the hot Summer months it is comfortable out here in the mornings. The cats ate their breakfast early this morning and have now gone off to find themselves a cool place to nap for the day. Sometimes it is like they eat, drink and disappear. Bob always keeps fresh water set out for the cats. When it is hot like this or dry, animals need more water,...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jun 13, 2024

    Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley. It is a perfect morning for sitting on the front porch and having coffee. The cats are enjoying the morning too. They had their breakfast and are now taking a nap. Yesterday Bobby filled up the bird feeders and this morning the birds are busy and happy also. There are a couple of squirrels under the old apple tree in the yard, they are enjoying the apples that have fallen off the tree. They are carrying some of the apples down near the creek, I guess they are beginning to stock up for Wi...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Jun 6, 2024

    Well it is a cool and rainy morning here in our little valley. We do need this rain but it is too cool to sit on the porch. The cats were not in a hurry for their breakfast, they are sleeping in this morning. When the sun is shining and it is warm out, then they are sitting at the door waiting for breakfast. Last week was a good week, we worked outside and got a lot done. We got our yard mowed, it is growing so fast with all this rain. I have heard several people say their gardens are doing good. Pam and Rick got some squash and green onions...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|May 30, 2024

    Well it is a damp and cool morning here in our little valley. We had some thunder and rain here this morning before daylight. Now it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. The sun is beginning to shine and it is getting warm, it is going to be another hot and muggy day. This has really been some unusual weather this Spring, I am wondering what Summer is going to be like. The cats are here and ready for their breakfast. They are always here about the same time every day, maybe they can tell time, Bobby says they have little Mickey Mouse...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|May 23, 2024

    Well it is a cool and cloudy morning here in our little valley. A light rain is falling and it is a little too damp to sit on the front porch. Even with the rain the cats were up and waiting on breakfast, but now that they have finished they have snuggled back down for a nap until the rain is over. Bob has finished washing the breakfast dishes and he is now enjoying his coffee. We sure have been having some unusual weather lately, lots of rain and a lot of hail. I can not ever remember times being like this, but everything is changing and I...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|May 9, 2024

    Well it is a nice cool morning here in our little valley. Last night we heard rumbles of thunder and got a shower of rain. This morning everything is wet, but the grass is green and the flowers are blooming, everything liked the rain. The cats were up early this morning for their breakfast. They sure like this nice warmer weather, after they eat breakfast they find themselves a cool spot, usually on the porch and take naps for most of the day, unless they see us outside then they want us to pet them or go for a walk with them. This has been ano...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|May 2, 2024

    Well it sure is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. There is a little cool breeze blowing and there is a few clouds, but the sun is shining. I am sitting out on the front porch and I have a small blanket and my coffee with me. The cats were here earlier and ate their breakfast, now that they are full they have gone to take their morning nap. Bob is finishing washing the breakfast dishes and then he will join me on the porch with his coffee. I think the weather is supposed to be nice and warm for the next few days The...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Apr 25, 2024

    Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley. It was a little cool on the front porch at 46 degrees but we have been getting a little rain, but now the sun is out and shining. The cats were ready for their breakfast, they ate and have now gone to take a nap. Bob is washing the breakfast dishes and making the kitchen spotless. In a few minutes we will have our coffee but we will probably not sit out on the porch because it is a little too cool this morning. For breakfast I made a big pan of cathead biscuits and some brown country...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Apr 18, 2024

    Well it is a cool Spring morning here in our little valley, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, everything is greening out and some of the bigger flowers are blooming out. The days are getting warmer and longer, soon we will start having some real warm springtime weather, and I am ready for it. Springtime is good, but when it gets to be Summer and we start having hot days, I will be complaining about it being too hot. The cats were not in a hurry for their breakfast this morning. They all three slept late this morning, but they eventually got...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Apr 10, 2024

    Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley, the sun is shining and the wind is getting up. We recently had a little more frost, one time it was 31 degrees here on the porch. On those cold mornings the cats stayed in their beds, all three of them were snuggled together, but when the sun began to shine on the porch, they got up and they were ready for their breakfast and for some warm milk. Someone asked me the other day who spoiled the cats, was it me or Bob? Well it was Bob, he can go outside and if they hear his voice then they come...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Apr 4, 2024

    Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley. It was cool here but we did not have any frost, there for a few mornings we did have a little frost on the roofs. We can still have some very cool mornings and a little frost, but after April 15th it should be warm until Fall. The cats were up and waiting for their breakfast. When it is really cold or storming they do not want to get up early. But today the sun is shining and the birds are singing, so the cats were up and ready for their day. When I went out to feed the cats, I heard som...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Mar 28, 2024

    Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley. We had some rain last night but today the sky is blue and the sun is shining. This weather sure is unpredictable, it can change quickly. The cats were here early this morning and ready for their breakfast. The wind is blowing pretty hard and they do not like it, but they are more hungry than scared. Bob is washing the breakfast dishes and he will soon have my kitchen spotless. It sure is nice to have a good dishwasher, I think I will keep him. We have had another busy week. We did some more...

  • One Day At A Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Mar 14, 2024

    Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley. The weather is trying to change and warm up, they have been forecasting rain with fog and sunshine with frost, but thankfully no more snow and ice until next Winter. The cats were here early for breakfast They do not like this high March wind, when things start blowing around they get spooked. They ate breakfast and then went and got back in their beds to take a catnap until the wind dies down. When I went out to feed the cats it looked like snow on the ground, all the high wind had blown a...

  • One Day At A Time: March 7, 2024

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Mar 7, 2024

    Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. It seems like these days are quickly getting warmer, but this last Friday it was cool enough that we had a little fire in the old wood heating stove. The cats were here early this morning for their breakfast, they ate and then got back into their beds for a morning cat nap, they have a rough life. Bob is washing our breakfast dishes, and I am having my coffee and just enjoying this morning. You have to enjoy the good moments when you can, soon I will have to get busy because we...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Feb 22, 2024

    Well all these cold fronts that we have been having lately, they all have been coming in fast, it seems like it is warm one minute and freezing the next minute. The temperature sure changes in a hurry, it was almost 70 degrees here on the front porch and it dropped down to 38 degrees in no time at all. This weather warms up then it turans cold again, but of course we are still in Winter. It has been being cold in the mornings and the cats have been really hungry, it does not take them long to drink their bowl of warm milk and clean their...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Feb 1, 2024

    Well we have been getting some much needed rain here in our little valley, they are calling for clearer and sunny weather, but I think I heard that they are still calling for a day or two of a little snow, but it still is wintertime. The cats were here early this morning for their breakfast and the birds were at the bird feeders. I think everyone was hungry. The rain we got was good because they said we were in a drought area. There was a lot of water flowing in our creek and the water was washing all the debris out and there was also water...

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