Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 132

Well all these cold fronts that we have been having lately, they all have been coming in fast, it seems like it is warm one minute and freezing the next minute. The temperature sure changes in a hurry, it was almost 70 degrees here on the front porch and it dropped down to 38 degrees in no time at all. This weather warms up then it turans cold again, but of course we are still in Winter.

It has been being cold in the mornings and the cats have been really hungry, it does not take them long to drink their bowl of warm milk and clean their plates. When the weather is warm they always take their time eating, they will eat a little and then take a break before coming back and finishing up.

We have been busy, on those warmer days that we were having, we really got a lot done. Bobby washed the vehicles, Bob swept the porches and I did some house cleaning.

We are all feeling better, I think when the weather is warm and the sun shines out, it sure makes all of us feel better. It even seems like some of the sicknesses have slowed down.

There is more buttercups blooming around the old tree stump out there in the yard. It looks like there is some green trying to come out on my rose bushes. A friend of mine said some of her flowers are showing green. I hope the plants are not coming out too soon because we still have some colder weather to come, and it gets a little colder down here in our little valley and next to the creek.

I made a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup, it sure smells good when I can set it on top of the old wood heating stove and let it simmer until we are ready to eat, I will not be able to do that before long when the weather warms up and stays warm.

We did not have a fire in the old wood heating stove on those few days when it got so warm outside. We even opened up some of our windows, but it is going be cold again, just not as cold as it has been getting. Having a little fire going sure feels good on some of these cold nights and mornings.

I am still crocheting in the evenings and I have got another afghan almost finished. On one of these evenings I am going to sew on my quilt, I have two quilts cut out and I want to get them both finished this Winter.

I heard the old tractor and saw the neighbor and the boys hauling hay over to feed their cows, animals like cows need more feed in the wintertime because there is not as much grass for them to eat in their pastures.

We were down by the creek and there is a lot of water flowing in it. In our yard we have even been seeing water standing in some places. Maybe the drought that they have been saying that we are under will soon be over.

The other day we were out running errands and getting some things done. I stopped at the grocery store and I always compare the prices of things from the last time I was there, some things were the same price but other things had gone up just a few cents, but I also noticed some of the containers were getting a little smaller.

We have been hearing about some price increases on items coming later on this year and we have been hearing that there are not as many farmers raising food anymore. I believe the good Lord is going to take care of us, but we all are going to have to do our part and do the best that we can and take care of what we have and then I believe He will do the rest.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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