Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 143

Well it is a damp and cool morning here in our little valley. We had some thunder and rain here this morning before daylight.

Now it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. The sun is beginning to shine and it is getting warm, it is going to be another hot and muggy day.

This has really been some unusual weather this Spring, I am wondering what Summer is going to be like.

The cats are here and ready for their breakfast. They are always here about the same time every day, maybe they can tell time, Bobby says they have little Mickey Mouse watches.

Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed and the kitchen clean. Ladies it sure is nice to have a good dishwasher.

It has been another busy week for us. We have got a lot of de-cluttering that has been needing done and we have also been doing what you might call Spring cleaning.

We have been trying to work outside, but we sure have been having a lot of rain. We will probably need some of this rain before the Summer is over.

This weather probably has slowed a lot of people from getting their crops out. After what the hail did to the cars, I can only imagine what it did to the gardens.

It will be good when the fresh vegetables start coming in, especially the ripe tomatoes. It seems in the springtime people can not hardly wait for fresh tomatoes to come out of the gardens, you just can’t buy garden fresh tomatoes in the store.

Our daughter Pam and her husband Rick, came by to see us, this year they have put out two gardens. Some plants in their gardens they planted early and those are doing good.

The hail that they had was not as bad as ours but it did a lot of damage to their fruit trees. We will still have just a few apples and blueberries but we lost most of them.

I guess there is a lot of happy kids now that the schools are out and they are looking forward to Summer. It does not seem like they have as much time off as they used too.

We were out running errands and getting things done and we saw gas going up and down again. I am sure there was a lot of people traveling over the Memorial Day holiday, supply and demand I guess.

Groceries are doing the same way, some things have stayed the same price and some have went up a few cents. Have you noticed that most of the things that have stay the same price have got smaller in size, the packages still looks the same but what is inside has gotten smaller.

Maybe if we all watch things and cut back here and there, we will make it until something changes for the better.

God is still in control and I believe He will take care of us, but we “all” must do our part.

The hummingbirds are coming to our feeders but we are not seeing as many as we did last year. Maybe there are more flowers for them to feed on this year.

Lately I have been real busy working in my little quilt house. I have been cleaning floors and washing windows. Bobby put me up some more lights and that brighten everything up.

I am already looking forward to Fall, I have a little old wood cooking stove in my little quilt house. This Winter while I quilt I just may take my old coffee percolator down there and have coffee.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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