Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 57

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley, I have got my coffee and I am sitting on the front porch swing. The sky is blue and there is a little breeze blowing, the birds are singing and the squirrels are helping themselves to the apples that have fallen on the ground. There are a lot of apples on the tree and just a few have fallen, they are almost ready to be picked. A momma deer and her little fawn have also been coming into the yard and they are keeping a close eye on the apple tree and waiting for the apples to ripen.

The neighbor’s cows are grazing peacefully out in their pasture. It is easy to see God all around us. The cats have already eaten and then later they came back wanting a snack, one of them was not feeling very well, she does not want to eat or drink, we are praying for her to get better. No, I am not crazy for praying for a cat because He loves animals too.

Me and Bobby have been picking blueberries every couple of days, I am freezing them right after we pick them and before long I will have enough berries for a big canning of juice and jam. I have been canning beans and vegetable soup. I have got widemouth jar lids and my sister, Lois, gave me some extra jars, thank you sis. I have talked to a lot of people that have gardens this year and the dry weather has really been bad on them. More people are having gardens this year, back years ago almost every family would have big gardens and they raised almost all their food, then it got to where it seemed to be a lot easier and cheaper to just run to the store and get what we needed. I think we all have gotten spoiled with convenience, but now with grocery prices going up almost every week and talk of shortages on food and everything else, we may all have to go back to some of the old ways of living. Maybe we might get to be a little healthier, we all could use the exercise, at least I know I could.

The neighbor brought me another bag of squash and some country eggs, thank you so much. It is nice to have good neighbors, they have been working in the hay fields and have been storing up a lot of big round bales of hay and soon it will be time for them to start over and cut the hay fields for a second time, a farmers work is never done.

I heard a katydid last night and I saw one on the backdoor so if the old saying is right it will be about three months till the first frost. It is hard to believe how fast this year is going by. I used to think it was just because I was getting older but I have heard younger people say time is going fast. I still have not got my porch chairs painted but we have been getting a lot of things done. Now these days sure are hot and after dinner it is a little too hot to stay outside for very long, I guess some things can wait until fall.

Well I have had a good week and I have got another busy day planned today, I like busy days. I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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