Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 62

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley, I have got my coffee and I am on the front porch swing. The cats are finished with breakfast and one of them has decided to sit in the swing with me, she is the one that was really sick but is now back to normal but just a little more spoiled.

It is very quiet and still this morning. We had a good rain and we sure needed it. We walked down to the creek yesterday and there was not any water in the creek. We also noticed on some of the trees that the leaves are changing color and some leaves are also falling off, I guess that is because it has been so dry. We did not see a lot of acorns either, I hope there will be more acorns later, the animals will need them for food for this winter. But I know God has it all under control.

I canned a few more jars of blueberry jam, remember I told you all when we were picking the blueberries that I was putting some of them in the freezer, well I had a little time so I made up a few jars. Bob sure loves homemade blueberry jam over his biscuits for breakfast, but if he keeps eating it every morning he may not have any left for this winter.

It sure is hard to believe that here it is time to go back to school, I know the kids are probably excited and so are some moms. When we were growing up it was almost fall when we went back and it seems we were out longer than kids are today. But times sure have changed since we were kids, I am sure you older people agree with me on that.

I am beginning to wonder what kind of winter we will have. We have been seeing a lot of spiders and bugs. I guess the spiders we have been seeing the most are called tunnel spiders, their web is shaped like a tunnel or a funnel and they sit at the bottom of it, the spider really looks bad but all spiders look bad to me. And there sure are a lot of crows here on our creek. Do you think that any of this is telling us anything about how our winter will be?

I was in the grocery store a few days ago and the prices are still going up. I made my grocery list and just got what I needed. I keep all my receipts so I compared my receipt from two weeks ago and the same items had gone up a few cents, not really bad but I am always careful about what I buy, we have to be these days. I always take my time and shop wise, most of the time I am always in a hurry except when I shop for my groceries.

I guess it will soon be time for farmers to start their second cutting of hay, the neighbors old John Deere tractor has been kind of quiet lately but I am sure we will hear it coming down their driveway before long going to the fields to cut hay. And soon it will be time for people to start cutting wood for the winter and we will be hearing chains saws running and see trucks and trailers hauling firewood. I am almost beginning to look forward to smelling that wood smoke drifting down out of the wood stove’s flue. I know you all think that I must be a crazy old woman, but you all know that I love winter time.

I have got to get busy, I have got a lot to do today. I am going to enjoy today and I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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