Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 65

Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley, a slow rain is falling and it thunders every once in a while, we need the rain. I have got my cup of coffee and a cat is curled up beside me on the front porch swing. A little breeze is blowing and it is almost chilly, I love it.

With these little showers of rain and then later the bright sunshine, my rose bushes are blooming again. I will have to trim them all the way back before long.

The hummingbird feeders are almost empty, Bobby will have to fill them up again. Earlier this year he got the feeders out and filled up and hung, we have had a lot of hummingbirds this year.

August is almost gone, it seems the time is going by so fast. It has been a busy summer, we have got a lot done but there is still a lot to do, but of course there is always something to do.

Bob is doing good and still improving, he said thank all of you for your prayers.

I went to the grocery store and there is still a little shortage on some things and the prices are still going up a little. The only thing that was really high was the potatoes and there were not many of them. Thankfully though I did not need any so I can wait and maybe they will go down some. We like having potatoes with our beans and cornbread, and I can fix them so many different ways.

While I was in the grocery store I saw a couple of ladies that I knew. They were like all the rest of us and talking about the high cost of living and all that we have been through over the last two years. One of the ladies said, you know God knows all about this and He is still in control, and I thought that is what I say. The other lady said there is always something good that comes from something bad. Later I was thinking about what they had said and I begin to look back about things in the past and even though there was bad things, I begin to pick out some good things also and you know I saw God’s blessings in it all. I remember in His word He said “He will never leave us or forsake us” and there was my strength for the day.

The rain has stopped and the sun is shining again and I just looked across the yard and the sun is shining on the woods and I can see that there are some leaves beginning to change color. Fall will soon be here.

The cat got her nap in and has gotten down and stretched and is now gone for a little walk.

I have got another busy day planned. Today I will have to put my laundry in the dryer, I can not hang clothes on the line because we may have some more rain later today. I may cut out another baby quilt later, I have got the one that I started almost finished. My sister will be opening her little shop before long and she is going to let me put a few things in it. I think I may make a blueberry cobbler for dinner, that will be quick and easy. I am going to enjoy this day.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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