Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 68

Well it is another cool and cloudy morning here in our little valley, there is a light rain falling, it looks and feels like early fall. The cats are snuggled down here on the front porch taking their naps. I am enjoying my coffee and Bob is washing the breakfast dishes, he is getting better everyday, he was really sick there for a while, thank all of you for your help.

The hummingbirds are still here in the yard, I do not know for sure when they normally leave going South for the winter. Bobby filled up their feeders again this week, he makes their feed extra strong and sweet so I guess they don’t want to leave a good food source.

I have been wondering what kind of winter we will have, someone said a wet and cold winter, that will be better than lots of ice and heavy snow. Someone else said we might have a mild winter, I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Me and Bobby have got to get the porches washed and all the windows cleaned inside and out before bad cold weather gets here, it seems everything always needs a really good cleaning.

We just got a big load of firewood brought to the back yard next to the back porch, now we just need to get it ranked up on the back porch next to the back door. Before too long one of these nights or early mornings are going to be cold and we will have to have a little fire going in the old wood heating stove.

I have been canning pears this week, we opened up a jar to try them out and they sure are good. Thank you Rick for getting me the pears. Lately I have talked to a lot of ladies and several of them have said they are canning this year. With the cost of living so high now and continuing to go up we will be glad we have put up some can goods.

Today is going to be a busy one for me, I will can the rest of my pears and maybe make a couple of jars of pear preserves for Bob’s biscuits, he loves putting them with butter on his biscuits, he is a big fan of breakfast, he always eats a good breakfast.

It looks like the rain has stopped and the sun is shining a little. It is still cool her on the front porch.

I just saw another big load of hay go down the road. The farmers are still getting their hay into the barns for this winter.

I remember when we were little we always would get ready for winter about this time of year. Daddy would dig up the last of our potatoes and store them for winter and mama would gather the last things off of the garden and she would can them.

Mama would wash our quilts and daddy would clean the stove pipes and get the old wood heating stove ready for the winter, back then we also had a wood cooking stove that we cooked on.

It seems we had it all together back then. I am sure some of you that are my age can remember the good old days. I think of them as good memories, I wonder if the kids today will have good memories to look back on when they get our age.

I just read Proverbs chapter 6, and it sure speaks to me, I think this is the time of harvest in more ways than one.

Thank all of you that reads my story each week. I just got a sweet card from a lady all the way from Eugene, Oregon and she said she likes my ramblings.

I have finished my coffee and I have got to get busy. Today for dinner we are having beans and cornbread and slaw and I think I will make us a little pot of chicken and dumplings for dinner today. I have got that baby quilt that I was working on finished and now I am starting on another one.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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