Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 87

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is another cold and rainy morning here on our little valley, the rain came in sometime during the night.

The cats were really hungry for their breakfast this morning, they were at the door waiting on me. I think they can tell time, they are at that door about 7 am every morning.

Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed and the kitchen spotless. I think he is going to ask for a raise in his pay, he will probably want double what he is getting now.

We have had a good week, it has been a busy one but we got a lot done. I did get that quilt top finished and it is ready to quilt and I started another one.

The other day when it was so nice and we had a lot of sunshine, we were outside and we heard some geese, we looked up and saw a lot of them, probably at least a 70 of them and they were way up high in the sky and they were flying north, now is that unusual? I thought they go south for the winter and here we are still in the middle of winter. But a lot of things are now different than they used to be, I guess it is just the times we live in, but one thing that does not change is God.

I was walking outside in the yard and I saw dandelions blooming, maybe we are going to have an early spring. When we had that one really hard freeze, when the temperature got down to 10 degrees, some of my bushes did die and down by the creek there was these trees that had ivy growing on them and it was really pretty but I noticed the ivy is dead now, ivy can change color in the winter but these leaves are brown and dry and are falling off, maybe it will come back it has been there for several years.

I have been hearing good news about the flu and the covid, it seems that they are slowing down again. Seems like a lot of people lately have been having what we used to call just a bad cold or head cold, we all had it but we are all much better. We ate a lot chicken soup and drink hot cocoa and of course used our Vicks, the house smells like Vicks but we are all okay now.

Some of you have asked about our great grandbaby, well he is doing good, he now weighs almost 9 pounds. Thank you all for your prayers.

You know that is another thing that I love about our hometown, people really care about one another, we treat each other like family and we are willing to help one another. Lets all try to stay that way as long as we can.

I am looking forward to spring and warm weather and sunshine and seeing the trees and flowers starting to bloom and getting to work outside. I saw our neighbor hauling hay to feed his cows and I have been seeing his cows out in the pasture grazing and they are fat and shiny, you can tell he takes good care of them.

I have got another busy day ahead and I am going to enjoy it.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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