Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 88

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. I went out early to feed the cats and it is very quiet this morning, there were no noises and everything seemed very still, there was no wind blowing, I guess this is the calm after the storms.

The cats were hungry as usual and they were ready for a bowl of warm milk. Bob has the breakfast dishes washed and the kitchen is clean. Bob is also feeling better.

This winter the house has been nice and warm, we sure have used a lot of firewood this winter and our wintertime is not over yet. We also have a gas heater but we do not like to use it unless we have to, we love our wood heat and I know it is messy but all I have to do is clean a little more than normal, but it is worth it, I like the smell of that wood smoke and on those cold winter mornings I like to watch the smoke as it drifts down from the flue to the ground. When winter is over we really will have to do a lot of spring cleaning.

I do not think I have ever seen any weather like what we have been having. I looked out one of those really cold mornings and towards our neighbor’s pasture, the barbed wire fence around the pasture has four strands of wire and they were all completely covered in ice, it looked like a fence made of glass. My clothesline was the same way, it looked like a string of glass.

I looked towards the creek and the hills and it looked like the trees were made of glass, all the trees and bushes were covered in ice. I thought everything looked beautiful but then I looked at the power lines and they were cover too and I prayed God do not let the power go out and do not let the trees fall. The next day it got even worse because we had a freezing fog move in, but I was surprised because our driveway and the roads did not have much ice on them at all.

With no ice on the driveway I decided to go to the mailbox to see if we got any mail and there on the hill was all these trees that looked like glass trees and then the wind started blowing and all those trees started rubbing together in the wind and it sounded just like glass breaking.

I have never seen anything like that ice, it seemed to mostly just stick to wood, but God had it all under control and the power did not go out and as far as I know no trees fell, at least not around here, there was just some little twigs and small branches on the yard.

I know we all have seen bad weather but this was very unusual to me. It is all gone now and it was beautiful to look at and I am sure a lot of people made pictures of it and I do not think we will ever forget it. I did write about it in my journal so maybe one day my kids and grandkids may read about it.

I enjoyed those cold days, we stayed inside and had hot coca and I got to sewed a lot, we watched some Andy Griffin shows on TV. But like I have said before, I am ready for some warmer days and I am wanting to do some spring cleaning and maybe even get ready to have a yard sale.

I made a big pan of moist banana bread, I had some bananas that were starting to get too ripe and I did not want them to go to waste. Our neighbor brought us some eggs and a few days later our good friend Chuck brought some eggs, you see you can not bake without eggs, so thanks to good neighbors and good friends we were able to have some real good banana bread and Bob also loves egg sandwiches, so I am going to warm that banana bread and put some butter on it and have a cup of good coffee and I am going to enjoy this day.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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