Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 91

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley. We had rain, thunder and lightning last night but it was cool enough for us to have a fire going in the old wood heating stove.

The cats were still in their beds this morning, I do not know if they like this time change, I do not know if they set their clocks forward, ha, but they are getting up now and having their breakfast.

Bob is finished washing the breakfast dishes and we are both having our coffee.

It has been a busy week, we had a lot of yard work to do. We had a huge tree beside our house that was dying, it was really close to all the power and phone lines, so MLEC and Trees Inc. had to come and cut it down. Thank you MLEC and Trees we appreciate you all so much. We were really worried when that wind was so high recently and the tree was so big, it was much taller than the power poles, if that tree had fallen it would have taken out the power lines, phone lines and power poles or anything else in it’s path.

Our yard is really getting green, it is getting closer and closer to mowing time. The trees are also getting greener and the fruit trees are blooming out and the weather forecasters are saying that we might get some scattered frost this week. I remember back a few years ago that we had a late hard freeze and everything that was coming out turned brown and it smelled like something was burning when we went outside.

We were out running errands last week and some people were already out mowing their yards and working outside. We still may have some more cold weather, we still have firewood stacked on our back porch so that we can have a little fire in the old wood heating stove if it gets cold.

Some of you have asked about our tom cat that went missing, he still has not come home, it has been so long now since that day that he went visiting and then we heard the gun shots and we know that if there was any way he could have come back to his home that he would have, he had never been gone for more than just a few days before, he was such a sweet and loving cat, we loved him and thought of him as part of the family and we think that he felt the same way about us, but there is nothing we can do now and there is nothing we could have done to prevent things.

I have finished that baby quilt that I was working on and now I have got another one almost done. When it gets warm weather and the days get longer, I will not have much time to quilt, so I am trying to get as much done now as I can.

I am looking forward to warmer days and it will not be long until people’s gardens start coming in and then it will be canning time again, I have a lot of empty jars to fill back up, this winter we really have enjoyed our canned vegetables, especially the carrots and the potatoes, they are easy to fix all you have to do is open the jars into a pan and add a little seasoning and get it hot, and then all you need is a good pan of brown cornbread and some of MaEvelyn’s sweet tea and you are all set.

We heard the old John Deere tractor and saw the neighbor hauling those big round bales of hay on his tractor to feed his cows, his bales of hay next to creek are narrowing down, he sure takes care of his cows, they are all sleek and shiny. A farmers work is never done.

Our daughter Linda and son-in-law Mark had some trees cut down and they sent us a big load of firewood, we now will have a good start on firewood for next winter. Thanks you all.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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