Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of November, 2020, by deed of trust recorded in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee, in Record Book 223, page 727, Brooks Anthony and wife, Jessica Anthony, conveyed to William E. Bates, Trustee, the hereinafter described real estate to secure the payment of a note therein described; and

WHEREAS, default has been made in payment of said indebtedness and other provisions of the deed of trust have been violated, and the holder of said indebtedness has directed the Trustee to foreclose the deed of trust in accordance with the terms thereof; the public is, therefore, hereby notified that the undersigned Trustee will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at the East door of the Court House in Hohenwald, Lewis County, Tennessee.

The property to be sold is located in Lewis County, Tennessee, and is more particularly described as follows:

Situated in the Third (3rd) Civil District of Lewis County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows:

Being Lots Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9) in Block D of the Sycamore Center Subdivision, as shown on map or plat of record in Trust Deed Book 19 at page 478, Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description of same.

This conveyance is made subject to utility easements in favor of the City of Hohenwald recorded in Deed Book A-37, page 83, and Deed Book A-68, page 249, ROLCT.

Being the same property conveyed to Brooks Anthony and wife, Jessica Anthony, by warranty deed of Adam Shane Barnes and wife, Kendall Deanne Barnes, dated September 30, 2020, recorded in Record Book 220, page 889, in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee.

This property is an improved tract identified as tax map 042I, group A, parcel 013.00, in the office of the Assessor of Property of Lewis County, Tennessee. The street address of the above-described property is believed to be 424 Sycamore Lane, Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462; but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein, and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control.

Pursuant to T.C.A. 35-5-104, other parties that may have an interest in the tract of land herein described are the following:

1. Lewis County Trustee through unpaid county taxes assessed as tax map 42I, group A, parcel 013.00, for 2021 in the amount of $1,140.03, plus additional penalty and interest; and for 2022 in the amount of $968.31, plus additional penalty and interest.

2. City of Hohenwald through unpaid city taxes assessed as tax map 42I, group A, parcel 013.00, for 2021 in the amount of $717.86, plus additional penalty and interest; and for 2022 in the amount of $614.90, plus additional penalty and interest.

3. Lewis County Solid Waste Department through any and all unpaid solid waste fees assessed to the subject property as tax map 42I, group A, parcel 013.00.

4. ABC Supply Co. Inc. c/o Crystal R. Cole, Attorney, P.O. Box 160760, Nashville, TN 37216, through a judgment obtained against Brooks Anthony, Individually, and d/b/a A-1 Construction, in the Lewis County General Sessions Court, Case No. 2022-CV-68, with a certified copy of said judgment being recorded in Record Book 251, page 380, in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee.

5. E.J. Davis and Anne Davis, through a judgment obtained against Brooks Anthony, in the Wayne County General Sessions Court, Case No. CV-10509, with a certified copy of said judgment being recorded in Record Book 241, page 501, in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee.

The sale will be made free from the equity of redemption, WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of November, 2020, by deed of trust recorded in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee, in Record Book 223, page 727, Brooks Anthony and wife, Jessica Anthony, conveyed to William E. Bates, Trustee, the hereinafter described real estate to secure the payment of a note therein described; and

WHEREAS, default has been made in payment of said indebtedness and other provisions of the deed of trust have been violated, and the holder of said indebtedness has directed the Trustee to foreclose the deed of trust in accordance with the terms thereof; the public is, therefore, hereby notified that the undersigned Trustee will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at the East door of the Court House in Hohenwald, Lewis County, Tennessee.

The property to be sold is located in Lewis County, Tennessee, and is more particularly described as follows:

Situated in the Third (3rd) Civil District of Lewis County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows:

Being Lots Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9) in Block D of the Sycamore Center Subdivision, as shown on map or plat of record in Trust Deed Book 19 at page 478, Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description of same.

This conveyance is made subject to utility easements in favor of the City of Hohenwald recorded in Deed Book A-37, page 83, and Deed Book A-68, page 249, ROLCT.

Being the same property conveyed to Brooks Anthony and wife, Jessica Anthony, by warranty deed of Adam Shane Barnes and wife, Kendall Deanne Barnes, dated September 30, 2020, recorded in Record Book 220, page 889, in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee.

This property is an improved tract identified as tax map 042I, group A, parcel 013.00, in the office of the Assessor of Property of Lewis County, Tennessee. The street address of the above-described property is believed to be 424 Sycamore Lane, Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462; but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein, and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control.

Pursuant to T.C.A. 35-5-104, other parties that may have an interest in the tract of land herein described are the following:

1. Lewis County Trustee through unpaid county taxes assessed as tax map 42I, group A, parcel 013.00, for 2021 in the amount of $1,140.03, plus additional penalty and interest; and for 2022 in the amount of $968.31, plus additional penalty and interest.

2. City of Hohenwald through unpaid city taxes assessed as tax map 42I, group A, parcel 013.00, for 2021 in the amount of $717.86, plus additional penalty and interest; and for 2022 in the amount of $614.90, plus additional penalty and interest.

3. Lewis County Solid Waste Department through any and all unpaid solid waste fees assessed to the subject property as tax map 42I, group A, parcel 013.00.

4. ABC Supply Co. Inc. c/o Crystal R. Cole, Attorney, P.O. Box 160760, Nashville, TN 37216, through a judgment obtained against Brooks Anthony, Individually, and d/b/a A-1 Construction, in the Lewis County General Sessions Court, Case No. 2022-CV-68, with a certified copy of said judgment being recorded in Record Book 251, page 380, in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee.

5. E.J. Davis and Anne Davis, through a judgment obtained against Brooks Anthony, in the Wayne County General Sessions Court, Case No. CV-10509, with a certified copy of said judgment being recorded in Record Book 241, page 501, in the Register’s Office of Lewis County, Tennessee.

The sale will be made free from the equity of redemption, homestead, dower and all other rights and exemptions, which were expressly waived under said deed of trust.

Trustee will convey all his right, title and interest, but without warranties of title. The sale will be made subject to any and all encumbrances, including but not limited to unpaid taxes; and I will sell and convey as Trustee and not otherwise.

The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above.

This 30th day of March, 2023.

William E. Bates, Trustee

Bank of Perry County

P.O. Box 341

Linden, TN 37096


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