Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 95

Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley, there is a little breeze blowing and it is cool and cloudy, but we usually have a cool spell around Easter. The dogwood trees are so pretty, they are in full bloom.

The cats were hungry and they did have a little bowl of warm milk, but they have gone back to their warm beds for their morning catnaps.

Bob has finished washing the breakfast dishes and I have had my coffee I showed Bob where the mop and broom was at and he smiled and thanked me.

We have had a busy week, we got some windows cleaned and the yard mowed and a few wintertime things put away until they are needed again. The days are getting longer and when it warms up some more we will be able to get more done.

People around here and at a lot of other places are cleaning up from these recent storms, the high winds have done a lot of damage. Have you all noticed how our people come together to help each other, it is like we are a big family and the ones that could not help took time to pray. Don’t you think that makes God smile!

We were in the grocery store last week and I was checking the prices from a couple of weeks ago and almost everything has gone up, a couple of things had stayed the same price and a few things had gone up just a few cents but some things have gone up over a dollar. I was noticing a few people had lists, I talked to one lady and she said she makes her grocery list as she runs out of things and she does not buy anything that is not on her list, smart lady. Gas prices have been going back up again. We all need to be a little more careful with our spending and pay attention to what is happing to our money.

People are getting ready to get their gardens out and some people have already got their potatoes planted in the ground. The old apple tree out in our yard is full of blooms, so we may have a lot of apples this year, you know what that means we will be having apple butter next winter.

Ms. Patty for our dinner today we are having a big pot of white beans and some turnip greens and a big pan of brown cornbread, but I can not put dinner on the old wood heating stove because we have got it almost cleaned up until wintertime comes again, but here it is almost the middle of April so it will be wintertime again before we know it.

I am looking forward to much warmer days and sunshine and getting back to being able to work outside, of course when summer gets here I will be complaining about the heat then. Today I have got a lot of things on my todo list and I have got to get busy and I am going to enjoy this day.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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