Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Series: One day at a time | Story 96

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley, it is still a little cool, but everything is green and the sky is blue. The birds are singing and the neighbor’s cows are grazing on that fresh green grass.

The cats have had their breakfast and I saw one of them chasing a butterfly, the butterfly flew away and the cat looked at me like where did it go?

Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed, but apparently some how he did not see the broom and mop that I left sitting out for him.

It has been a busy week, Bobby removed the remaining firewood from the back porch, he has been splitting and stacking firewood down near the creek so that we will be ready for next winter, he got the back porch all cleaned off and now we can sit out there and enjoy the sunshine.

We walked and checked on our blueberry bushes, they have a lot of blooms on them. The bumblebees and honeybees and butterflies sure were enjoying them, it looks like this year we will have a lot of berries for jams, jellies and blueberry juice and maybe even some blueberry syrup for pancakes.

We were down by the creek this week and the ivy that had turned brown over the winter and that I thought had died is coming back out, it is now turning green again, I think it is going to make it, and some of my evergreen bushes that looked like they had died over the winter now have a little green on them.

This year the dogwood trees are holding their blooms longer and they sure are pretty.

We were out running errands and I saw some people have their gardens ready to plant and I saw that some already have potato plants coming up. People were out working in their yards and I saw some mowing. I think everyone is ready for warmer weather. I know some people are still cleaning up from the storms, with those bad storms that we had that might take a while for some to get back to normal.

I feel a little sad, when we were out and I saw some more businesses had closed or were closing down. It is sad to see this when they have worked so hard to start up a business and then have to close it. When you have a business, you put your life into it trying to build it up. I know this myself because we have had businesses and we have had to close them and also my son has had businesses. Running a business is a lot more work and time consuming than most people realize, a lot more than working for someone.

When we were out I also saw that the bigger chain store’s parking lots were full and all the major fast food places were full, when we got back home we cooked our lunch and we had a real good meal and then we went outside to the front porch to sit and relax for a few moments and then later we went for our walk and we enjoyed the sunshine and the fresh country air.

I am praying for our locally own businesses. I do not shop as much as most people seem to, but I always try to shop at local businesses when I can. We can save a lot of time and money when we shop at local businesses, especially saving on gas which the price of it has went up again, it seems gas prices go down 5 cents for a while and then go up 10 cents for a while, I wonder were our nickels and dimes go.

Thank all of you for the cards and calls while I was a little sick. Thank you Dr. Kamal and staff for taking such good care of me. I am much better.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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