Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Adam Clark Named LCHS Principal


Lewis County School District is pleased to announce that Adam Clark will be the new principal of Lewis County High School, effective June 2. Clark brings extensive experience and a passion for education to his new role.

Clark has over two decades of experience in education, with his most recent position being the principal of Lewis County Middle School. Mr. Clark has made positive school culture a focus at the school.

“We are excited to have Mr. Clark lead Lewis County High School.” said Dr. Tracy McAbee, Director of Schools. “His passion for education and commitment to student success make him a wonderful choice to lead Lewis County High School.”

Clark will replace current principal Dr. Justin Barden who accepted the Superintendent position for McKenzie Special School district.

“To say that I am humbled is an understatement. I appreciate the phone calls, visits, and texts of encouragement for this next venture in my family’s life. I’d like to say thank you to Dr. McAbee for believing in me enough to consider me for this job. I love Lewis County Schools and will work to help make this system the best that it can be, but with that being said, I can’t do it alone, our teachers can’t do it alone, our support staff can’t do it alone, our central office can’t do it alone, our coaches can’t do it alone, and our parents can’t do it alone either. We must all pull together and push our kids to be the best they can be everyday understanding that we will all need a lot of grace and encouragement along the way.

“To the Lewis County Middle School family, I will miss you all and hope that you work hard to continue the effort that we all have made in moving LCMS forward. Your influence on me has been immeasurable, and I am truly grateful for your support! Proud to be a Panther!” stated Mr. Clark.


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