Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 98

Well it is a nice morning here in our little valley, it is almost warm enough to sit out on the front porch.

The cats were up early this morning and ready to eat their breakfast, now they are out playing and enjoying the warm sunshine.

There is a lot of birds out in the yard and in the trees, you can tell they are happy because they are singing their songs so loud, and I can hear doves calling to each other.

The neighbor’s cows are grazing and enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather.

Off in the distance I can hear someone’s lawnmower, peoples yards are growing so fast now.

I am ready for some warm sunny days and I think other people are too. This has been a cool and very windy spring, we expect the wind to blow a lot in March but it seems there has been a cold wind blowing constantly for months, this weather is very unusual, but it seems a lot of things that are happening lately are very unusual.

A lot of people have been out working in their gardens and trying to get them ready, I hope this weather has not hurt anyone’s plants, use to be the safest time to start putting most plants out was April 15 but this year it looks like waiting until May would have been safer. I hope this summer will be a good one for gardens.

We were walking and we checked on our blueberry bushes and they are full of little berries and also we have a lot of little apples on the old apple tree. We sure like having homemade apple butter on a good brown biscuit, or some of our homemade blueberry jam and over the winter we have really enjoy our blueberry juice, I hope to make a lot this summer for next winter.

We have been real busy, Bobby got our hummingbird feeders cleaned and filled up and hung, we have been seeing hummingbirds and a lot of bees, very big bumblebees, carpenter bees and honeybees, there must be some bee hives somewhere close by. We have not been hearing any whippoorwills and I sure love to hear them, I guess its been because of the unusual weather.

My rosebushes are budding out and they look like they will have a lot of roses on them this year, but my other bushes did not do very well this year and I have heard other people say theirs has not either.

Well the gas prices have gone down and has stayed down for a little while, we are all thankful for that. I was in the grocery store the other day and was talking to some ladies and they were about my age and they were talking about the high cost of living, it seems the prices of almost everything has gone up and is staying up and the things that have not went up have gotten smaller in size. They were talking about ways to be prepared and how to save a little here and there and they were like me and had their list of what they were going to buy, and they have been reading my little story each week and they gave me some more good ideas on cutting corners, as times get a little harder we can all use some good ideas, let me tell you those ladies were some smart ladies.

I have finished my coffee and Bob has got the breakfast dishes done and the kitchen clean. The cats are now out in the yard chasing butterflies. I have got a busy day ahead, I am going to make some of my MaEvelyn’s sweet tea, on these warmer days it sure will be good. This morning I made a big pan of biscuits and while my oven was still hot I went ahead and made a big cast iron skillet of brown cornbread for lunch, we are also going to have for lunch turnip greens and pinto beans.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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