Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

LCHS Board of Ed Monthly Meeting held

The Lewis County Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at 6:05 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street. With the exception of Phyllis Townsend, all board members present were Chair Lindsey Himes, Glenda Atkinson, Derek Cotham, Cassie Couch, Vice-Chair Paula Dyer, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock.

Prior to the regular scheduled meeting, a workshop was held beginning at 5:30 p.m. Randall Greenway gave a presentation of the K-12 virtual school program that has been with the Union County school system for 12 years. He explained the responsibilities of the Lewis County Board of Education if they choose to implement this program into their school system.

The invocation was given by Billy Dyer. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sallie Pollock.

During public input Mr. Mitchell stated that he had a copy of the petition from the high school regarding the school nurse and that he would get a copy to the board members.

CONSENT AGENDA - Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, to approve the add-on to the consent agenda was unanimously approved.

Upon motion by Mrs. Pollock and seconded by Mrs. Couch, the consent agenda was approved unanimously.

• Approve April 11, 2023, board meeting minutes.

• Adopt agenda.

• Approve payroll and miscellaneous warrants.

• Add-on to new business/Approve adding additional courses: Big K (kindergarten readiness class), welding, Home Economics, Criminal Justice, and Mechatronics.

REGULAR AGENDA • Director’s Report - Director McAbee acknowledged all the teachers in honor of Teachers Appreciation week.

• Accepted the resignation of Aaron Jones, LCHS Ecology/Chemistry teacher, effective May 19, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Lindsey Calton, LCES RTI Coordinator, effective May 19, 2023.

• Accepted the letter of retirement of LeaAnn Anderson, LCES 1st grade teacher, effective May 19, 2023.

• Accepted the letter of retirement of Mitzi Ayers, LCES 1st grade teacher effective May 19, 2023.

• Accepted the letter of resignation of Dr. Justin Barden, LCHS Principal, effective June 2, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Michaelena Kelley, Central Office Payroll Administrator, effective April 21, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Penelope Tharp, Finance Director, effective April 21, 2023.

• Dr. McAbee informed the board members that they had in their board packets some prices for the window film. He explained that with the funding that the Governor has approved through the school safety program that we will be able to absorb the cost for the film being placed on the windows and exterior doors.

• Director McAbee told board members that they would also find in their board packets a report from Sheryl Sharp, bus transportation supervisor, of the current schools’ buses status.

• Dr. McAbee stated that in the funding for the school safety program there will be funds for an SRO at every school. He stated that if that is the case then that would free up some money that the school has been providing to pay the salaries of the SRO’s. He further stated that he hopes that the city and county government will continue to give the schools their portions of the salaries for the SROs to help get our schools as safe as possible. Chair Himes stated that she did have some concerns about the county government wanting to have their part of the money committed for salaries to SRO’s to be spent in other areas. Dr. McAbee further stated that this funding could go to the Sheriff’s department and then they would be responsible for the SRO’s.

• Director McAbee stated that he has been looking at the funding for TISA. Dr. McAbee asked Mrs. Dyer to give information on the raises for all staff members. She stated that it was time to start looking for money so that raises could be given to all staff members. She stated that we needed to stay competitive in terms of pay with our surrounding counties. Dr. McAbee stated the amount of TISA funding for Lewis County for each student was around $250,000. There was other funding that came in for economically disadvantaged students and being in a rural area. Dr. McAbee gave each board member a copy of the numbers that he had run for the budget. He stated that he took last years’ salary scale and plugged in the numbers and that not only the teachers, but all staff should receive a decent raise in the amount of 6%. He said that with this increase it would get us a little closer to the $50,000 starting salary for our teachers that is going to be required.

• Dr. McAbee commended the board and school system for the amount that is paid on the staff members insurance. He said that he had some other people to ask how Lewis County is paying 70% of the staff members medical insurance premiums on the limited PPO plan.

• Dr. McAbee gave an update on the high school. He stated that Mr. Clardy would be meeting with him on May 11, 2023, to give him an update. Dr. McAbee stated that Brad Martin, architecture, had gotten a little off track of staying within our timeline. He stated that Mr. Clardy thinks that the bids should be received by July 11, 2023.

• Director McAbee asked Mylie McKissack to give the update on Summer School. Ms. McKissack stated that summer school will begin on June 1, 2023, and will go through June 28th. She stated that this is a later date because of the 3rd grade retention law requiring no summer school to start prior to June 1, 2023, so that students will have time to retake test after schools receive results of test scores. She stated that the courses that will be offered are ELA, math, science, social studies and at the high school the students will do credit recovery. She stated that she has worked with Sheryl Sharp regarding transportation for the student’s needing transportation. Ms. McKissack further stated that she has 15 teachers scheduled for Learning Camp and they will be paid $35 per hour and they will work 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be 9 assistants and they will be paid $15 per hour, and they will work 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bridge Camp will have three teachers at $35 per hour at 7:30 am. to 3:00 pm. At the high school there will be two teachers at $35 per hour. District food service will be providing lunch. Enrollment requirements will be based on Case Benchmark data, TN Ready scores, and teacher recommendations.

• Mrs. Atkinson asked about the third-grade retention affecting summer school and school next school year. Dr. McAbee explained that there are several different levels in which a parent may appeal the test scores.

• Dr. McAbee stated that he would like to go back to Mr. Mitchell’s comments during the public input regarding school nurses. He stated that he has plugged in numbers in the budget, and he has plugged in numbers for 1 nurse for every school. He further stated that he would have a balanced budget draft ready by Friday for the board members.

• Dr. McAbee informed the board that he wanted to address an issue that has been questioned recently regarding the board policy of public input request. He stated that the school will honor the current policy for public input requiring at least one week prior to the regular scheduled board meeting to be able to be put on the agenda. He stated that they would find a copy of the current policy and the administrative procedure form, in their board packet, that is required. He stated that these forms may be picked up at the central office and returned to Angie Leigh one week prior to the meeting.

• Mr. Mitchell asked about purchasing a new bus this year. Dr. McAbee stated that he has put in the budget $150,000 to purchase a new bus this year.

• Dr. McAbee informed the board at the last meeting one of the board members had brought up the subject of hiring another technology person a priority. He stated that has been added to the budget also.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS-There was no new business to discuss.

NEW BUSINESS - Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item a) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Authorize the Executive Committee to make such expenditures for the 2023-2024 fiscal year as in their opinions may be necessary to further the educational programs. These expenditures shall include, but not be limited to, learning and instructional materials, other expenses for instruction, plant operation costs, supplies for maintenance and operation, expenses for school lunch program, travel expenses, capital outlay transportation expenses, and fixed charges. It is agreed and understood that such expenditures shall be reported at subsequent meetings of the Lewis County Board of Education throughout the 2023-2024 school year.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item b) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Authorize the Director of Schools to prepare, sign, submit, implement programs, projects, and budgets under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) Part B P.L. 108-446 as amended; Preschool P.L. 99-457-§619 as amended; Tennessee Code Annotated §49-10-302; Workforce Investment Act (WIA; Carl D. Perkins-4Vocational Act P.L. 98-524; LEAPs and other federal, state, and federal legislation for the 2022-2023 school year. Furthermore, the Director of Schools shall be authorized to submit any future amendments, addendums, correspondence, etc., pertaining thereto on behalf of the Lewis County Board of Education. Also, authorize the Director of School to prepare, sign, submit, and implement programs and projects under the ESSA/Elementary Secondary Education Act, (ESEA), P.L. 107-110; Consolidated Application Plan and future. A line-item budget will be presented to board members for approval. In addition, authorize the Director of Schools to have authority to establish the amounts of funds that will be committed or assigned for specific purposes at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, item c) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve submission to the Department of Education of the Career Technical and Title Plans and/or Reports.

Chair Himes asked if someone would suspend rules for item d) under new business to bring Mr. Randall Greenway back to further discuss the virtual school.

Mr. Mitchell made a motion and was seconded by Ms. Couch, to suspend the rules and was unanimously approved. Mr. Greenway stated that the first obligation after the approval of the board is to let the board minutes reflect that Dr. McAbee, or his designee, request a new school number and to go online and submit an application and there is an addendum called the Virtual School Application. He further stated that he has a team that will be willing to help with this application should Dr. McAbee need help with this. He further stated that it does take some time for the department to approve the school number. Mr. Greenway said that it’s not an approval or denial for the application, it just takes time for the department to make sure that the school applying has crossed all t’s and dotted all of I’s. He stated that the sooner the better to get this taken care of. Mr. Greenway asked the board if there was a requirement that the school entering into a multi-year agreement be approved by the county commission. Dr. McAbee stated that he would refer this question to the school’s attorney, Scott Bennett, and he would verify with him. Dr. McAbee recommended that the board set a date for a special called meeting to approve the budget and add the approval of virtual school contract and submit application for new school number for virtual school. Dr. McAbee explained that there would be a need for 48-hour notification to the media before they meet in a special called meeting. He said that they could approve the budget and vote on the virtual school contract and vote on the submission of application for new school number for the virtual school. Mr. Greenway reminded board members that there is a June 1, 2023, deadline to submit the application for the school number. Mr. Cotham suggested May 16, 2023, for the special called meeting. All members agreed and set the time at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Greenway explained that he would not be able to attend the meeting on May 16, 2023, but he would have someone to cover for him if they are needed. Mr. Greenway further stated that he would send an email to Dr. McAbee once he has been advised by legal counsel to verify that the name of the virtual school, Volunteer State Virtual School, has been accepted. Mrs. Pollock questioned Mr. Greenway about the curriculum that was used in the virtual school. Mr. Greenway explained the different areas of the curriculum and that a lot of the curriculum that we are currently using will be implemented.

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mr. Mitchell, to approve item e) under new business. Mrs. Atkinson asked about the courses that are being added to the middle school. Dr. McAbee asked Trina Weaks and she said that the middle school will be adding middle school agriculture and middle school career coach. Dr. McAbee stated that there would need to be an amendment of the first motion and second to add these courses to the minutes. Ms. Couch made a motion to amend the motion by adding the agriculture and career coach to the middle school courses. Mr. Mitchell seconded the motion and item e) under new business, with the amendment of adding agriculture and career coach to middle school courses was unanimously approved.

• Approve adding these courses: Big K (Kindergarten readiness class), welding, Home Economics, Criminal Justice, and Mechatronics.

Dr. McAbee wanted to remind everyone to continue to continue to keep the family of high school student Ty Twist in their prayers. Chair Himes also wanted to remind everyone to keep the family of Spencer Clark in your prayers as he is having another surgery tomorrow.

Chair Himes announced that the next regular scheduled meeting will be June 13, 2023, and that there will be a workshop prior to the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Angela Leigh asked the board if she and Vicki Tiller could talk to them after the adjournment of the meeting. Chair Himes approved and asked board members to remain after the adjournment.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


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