Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Memorial Day ceremonies

Hohenwald’s annual Memorial Day Parade held Monday brought out the dedicated friends and families who come together each year to honor the fallen veterans of Lewis County. A small service took place in front of the courthouse, where veterans posted flags that represented their branches of military and honored the MIA and POWs. Andrew Rodgers led the flag presentation. American Legion Post Commander Michael Fullager conducted the ceremony. Sheila Holley sang the National Anthem and Eddie Holt gave the opening and closing invocation. Lewis County Mayor Jonah Keltner spoke to the crowd. The names of the fallen and those who returned home for burial were read by Veterans Service Officer Randy Duncan. Presenting the wreath was Nancy McDonald, Gail Bumgarner and Cynthia Kilpatrick. Taps was played by Cole Spann.


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