Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

School Board Called Meeting

The Lewis County Board of Education met in a special called session on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street, Hohenwald. With the exception of Phyllis Townsend, all board members present were Chair Lindsey Himes, Glenda Atkinson, Derek Cotham, Cassie Couch, Vice-Chair Paula Dyer, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock.

The invocation was given by Mr. Mitchell. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Paula Dyer.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Mitchell, the consent agenda was approved unanimously.

• Approved May 9, 2023, board meeting minutes.

• Adopted agenda.

Dr. McAbee stated that he did not have a director’s report, but he would like to thank the Lewis County Middle School Honor Club for their gift to each board member.

Prior to the vote for item a) under new business, Dr. McAbee stated that he wanted to bring attention to the last three pages of the budget that were in their board packets. He stated that this was information that he had received from Lewis County Trustee, Mike Webb, showing the local option sales tax received for the first three months of 2023. He stated that it was showing an average of $50,000 per month and we had anticipated about $600,000 per year. Mrs. Atkinson commended Dr. McAbee for preparing the school budget in time for the county commissioners to receive it at their next meeting.

Ms. Couch wanted to make sure that everyone understood that the 6% raise was for all staff in the Lewis County School District.

• Approval of the 2023-2024 school year budget.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Atkinson, item a) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approval to submit the school number for virtual school.

Prior to the vote on item b) under new business, Dr. McAbee explained that the board would be voting on (3) different school numbers. He explained that they must be recorded in the board minutes as (3) separate votes. Mrs. Himes explained to the board members that there would be a cap on the number of students that would be enrolled in the Volunteer State Virtual Academy. Dr. McAbee further explained that the maximum about of students could be 4,500. He stated that this could be dropped down to 3,000 students if needed to be. Mrs. Pollock asked if there would be one principal for (3) schools. Dr. McAbee stated that the principal position could be called superintendent or program director.

• Chair Himes entertained a motion to submit the school program authorization form for the Elementary School of the Volunteer State Virtual Academy. Ms. Couch made the motion and was seconded by Mrs. Pollock and was unanimously approved.

• Chair Himes entertained a motion to submit the school program authorization form for the Middle School of the Volunteer State Virtual Academy. Mrs. Atkinson made the motion and was seconded by Mrs. Dyer and was unanimously approved.

• Chair Himes entertained a motion to submit the school program authorization form for the High School of the Volunteer State Virtual Academy. Mrs. Dyer made the motion and was seconded by Mr. Cotham and was unanimously approved.

Prior to the vote on item c) under new business, Dr. McAbee explained to the board that the Lewis County Board of Education attorney, Scott Bennett, stated the change in the contract that he had requested has been implemented and he is very happy with the contract between the Lewis County Board of Education and K-12. Dr. McAbee further explained that this would be a (3) year contract with the option of terminating the contract from either party after 18 months.

Approval of virtual school contract

Chair Himes entertained a motion to approve the virtual school contract. Ms. Couch made the motion and was seconded by Mrs. Pollock and was unanimously approved.

Mrs. Dyer read a thank you note from Kassi Meeks for the flower arrangement that she received from the board for the recent loss of her father-in-law. She also gave an update on the condition of Ty Twist, Lewis County High School student, and Mrs. Himes gave an update on Spencer Clark, Lewis County High School student.

Angela Leigh announced that the school surplus sale will be July 15, 2023, and will be held at the bus lot and will begin at 10:00 a.m.

Chair Himes stated she wanted to take the time to thank all the administrative personnel and central office staff for all their hard work this past year.

Chair Himes announced that the next regular scheduled meeting will be June 13, 2023, and that there will be a workshop prior to the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Mrs. Leigh explained that the board members will have parking for the high school graduation this Friday, May 19, 2023.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Atkinson, the meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m.


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