Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Life as Art

By Elissa Tracy

Series: Life as Art | Story 1

In the heart of Tennessee, amidst the presence of wildlife and a warm, friendly community, I am constantly reminded of the beauty and serenity that surrounds us. Every day, I witness the beauty in all things, which translates into various forms of art, whether it be a spontaneous photograph or an inspired painting.

Allow me to introduce myself and the essence behind this weekly column, “Life As Art,” where we will explore art, design, fashion, and pop culture. My name is Elissa Tracy, and I am a passionate artist with a diverse background spanning large-scale canvases, photography with models, actors, and musicians, and a career in interior design. Through this column, my aim is to guide you on an artistic journey, sharing insights and inspiration that go beyond my personal experiences.

Growing up surrounded by family artists, photojournalists, and culinary artisans, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of art, how it brings individuals together, sparks meaningful conversations, and fosters a sense of belonging. With this column, I hope to inspire a sense of community, encourage you to embrace your own artistic pursuits, and explore the world with an open mind. As Henry David Thoreau beautifully said, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

To those who may feel distant from the realm of the arts, I want you to know that you are already an active participant in artistic expressions. Consider the framed family photos adorning your walls, each one meticulously chosen to reflect cherished memories and loved ones. The art displayed on your fridge, brought home by a child or grandchild, radiates pure joy and happiness. These acts of selecting and displaying art represent your personal artistic sensibilities, a way to surround yourself with the people and moments that bring you comfort.

Furthermore, let us reflect on the act of reading itself. The words you engage with on these pages have been thoughtfully crafted to convey ideas, emotions, and knowledge. The artistry lies in the arrangement of those words, the rhythm of the sentences, and the clarity of the message. In this, we become participants in the beauty of language and the art of communication.

I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you, where I will share my experiences, both the joys and the pitfalls, as I navigate the world of art. From the beginnings of a painting or design project to the seemingly endless challenges that arise halfway through, I will delve into the intricacies of problem-solving and staying true to one’s instincts. There is a deep satisfaction that comes with completing a creative endeavor, knowing that every hurdle was worth the effort. The creative process itself presents its highs and lows, learning curves, and the ultimate fulfillment that art brings. Another fun thing I would like to share from time to time, will be trends I’m seeing to include but not limited to art, interior design, photography and pop culture.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you will find this column to be a source of weekly inspiration.


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