Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Series: One day at a time | Story 102

Well it sure is a nice and peaceful morning here in our little valley. We have been sitting on the front porch swing and having our coffee. Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed and the kitchen cleaned. The cats have had their breakfast and they are laying in the warm sunshine, I had a little scare this morning one of them was not here for breakfast, I went looking for her and the other two cats went with me, we found her down by the creek chasing a frog, when she saw us and heard me calling then she came running, I did scold her a little. We sit out on the porch in the mornings and in the evenings and they like to sit out there with us.

It is beginning to look like we need some rain, I talked to some friends and they said their gardens are needing rain. The days get warm but the nights are still cool. You know I have not heard any whippoorwills and not many other sounds at night, I guess it is a little early for them, Bobby said he heard one the other night way off in the distance.

We were walking the other day and checking on the blueberries, they are just beginning to change colors, just a little bit. We are looking forward to having fresh blueberries on our cereal and Bob is ready for some fresh blueberry jam on his biscuit. The apples are getting bigger on the old apple tree, it looks like we will making apple butter. There is a lot of work that goes into making homemade jams and jellies but when you can open up a jar of them on a cold snowy day of winter then it sure is worth all the work.

It will not be long until fall is here again, it seems like time goes by so fast or is it just me and my old age. I was talking to some friends and they said time goes by fast for them too. I do not have enough time in the day to get everything done that I need done.

This week I have been cleaning out my cabinets and I worked cleaning out my closets, I did get quiet a bit done but there is still more that needs done. We have been trying to take time to walk a little everyday, we try to walk when it is cooler in the mornings and in the evenings, and you know the cats like to walk with us, they come to the house about the same time every morning and evening when we go walk, they like to walk in the evening before they eat their supper, I know some of you think that I am just a silly old woman but them cats are smart.

It looks like there are going to be a lot of acorns for the squirrels, we were walking down by the creek and there were a lot of them on the trees. We need some rain because the creek does not have much water in it.

I have really enjoyed this front porch swing and my good coffee but I have got a busy day ahead of me, I need to get some laundry done and get it hung out on the clothes line.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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