Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan

Series: One day at a time | Story 103

Well it is a nice cool morning here in our little valley. I really enjoy these quiet mornings here on the front porch, the cats do too, they have had their breakfasts and are now out chasing bugs. The breakfast dishes are washed and the kitchen floor has been swept and mopped, you know who washed the dishes but he did not do the floors, somehow he could not find the broom and mop again, maybe next time if I put them next to the kitchen sink, but it is okay because the kitchen is spotless.

The temperature out here on the porch this morning is in the low fifties and I am enjoying it, but I do have on my sweater and my coffee is hot, before long even in the mornings it will be warm and muggy. The neighbor’s cows are grazing, there for awhile the grass was really getting dry. I am glad that we got some rain but it seems now when ever it does rain it comes with real high wind and bad thunder and lightning, does the weather seem a little strange to all of you?

I was able to can seven quarts of pinto beans this week, we were running low on beans, it sure makes it quick and easy to open a jar of home canned beans and they taste just like they came right out of the garden. When I am in a hurry I can make a pan of brown cornbread and open a couple jars of vegetables and we are ready to eat in just a few minutes.

It has been a busy week for us, we did some yard work and Bob is doing better, he got out there and helped carry off some brush. Our yard has really been getting dry and the grass was starting to turn brown, but hopefully it will turn back to green after we get all the rain that we are suppose to get.

We have been picking a few blueberries, but most of them are just starting to change color from pale green to pink, before long they will turn blue and then we will have to pick them every day before the birds and critters get them, it is almost like they are all watching for the berries to turn blue so they can eat them all up before we can pick them.

The apples on the old apple tree in the yard are getting bigger. I have a recipe for scrap apple jelly that I have never tried, I plan on canning some this year and if they turn out good I will be glad to give you all the recipe, I have never heard of it before but some of you probably have.

You know these cool mornings makes me think of fall and I was looking at the calendar, September 23 is the first day of fall and that is only about three months away. At the end of this month this year will already be half over. Before long I will start thinking about quilting in the evenings, during the spring and summer when it stays daylight longer I do not get much time in the evenings to sew. If the last half of this year goes by as fast as the first half has then we all will soon be thinking about the holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

There are lot of things that we do when the seasons change, when the weather gets cold we have warm cat beds that our cats like to sleep on, but when the weather gets warm we take the beds up and wash them and hang them out on the clothesline to dry and then we put the beds in storage until the weather turns cold once again.

Everyday it seems for us there are lots of things to do, today we have got a busy day ahead, there is laundry to do and lunch to cook, today for lunch we are having cabbage, brown cornbread, pinto beans, slaw and of course some of my MaEvelyn’s sweet iced tea. I know Ms. Patty reads the paper every week and I bet reading that just made her hungry.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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