Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Fair Exhibit categories announced

UT Extension Lewis County and South Central Area Fair have released the 2023 Centennial Celebration Exhibit Book.

Classes and Premiums are shown here:

All Fair Exhibits must be brought to the High Forest Room Monday, August 28, from 12 noon to 6:00 P.M.


1. Entries should be exhibited in owner’s name only. Only ONE entry per person will be allowed in each lot.

2. Only products made or grown since last year’s fair may be exhibited (except quilts, photos, and crafts).

3. First Place will receive $10.00 payout. Ribbons awarded to  rst and second places.


Category - Pumpkins and Gourds

Ag1 Pumpkins

Ag 2 Gourds

Category - Food Preservation

(All entries are displayed in standard ring top jars with rings left on. Fill jars to the neck of the jar, allow 1/4” headspace

for jams, jellies and preserves. Allow 1.2” for pickles and fruit and 1” space for vegetables and soups. MUST USE CLEAR JAR.

JAMS ( must be in standard half pint jars.)

FP1 Ant other than listed

FP2 Strawberry

FP3 Peach

FP4 Blueberry

FP5 Honey

JELLIES (must be in standard half pint jars)

FP6 Any other than listed

FP7 Grape

FP8 Apple

FP9 Muscadine

CANNED FRUITS (must be in standard quart jars)

FP10 Any other fruit not listed

FP11 Any Pie Filling

FP12 Apples

FP13 Applesauce

FP14 Peaches

FP15 Pears

PICKLES AND RELISHES (must be in standard pint/quart jars)

FP16 Any other pickle not listed

FP17 Any other relish not listed

FP18 Beet Pickle

FP19 Bread and Butter Pickle

FP20 Dill Pickle

FP21 Chow-Chow Relish

FP22 Sweet Pickle

CANNED VEGETABLES (must be in standard pint/quart jars)

FP23 Any vegetable not listed

FP24 Green Beans

FP25 Kraut

FP26 Tomatoes

FP27 Tomato Juice

FP28 Soup Mix

FP29 Beets

FP30 Okra

HOME ECONOMICS: Judges will do a taste test beginning at 6:15 P.M. on August 28th.

Category - Baked Goods (entries are to be on disposable plates)

BG1Bread-quick or yeast (1/2 loaf )

BG2 Biscuits (3 each)

BG3 Cinnamon Rolls (3 each)

BG4 Cookies (3 each)

BG5 Candy (fudge, etc.)

BG6 Pie-Miscellaneous

BG7 Cake-Miscellaneous

CUPCAKES - Decorate

A-BG8 - Adult

Y-BG9 - Youth

Category - Embroidery


E1 Hand Embroidery

E2 Machine Embroidery


E3 Hand Embroidery

E4 Machine Embroidery

Category - Amateur Photo (No Magazine/Book Photos Allowed. No entrant shall be involbed in any way with commercial

or professional photography)


5x7” mounted on 8x10“ board

8x7” mounted on 11x14” board


A-AP1 Nature/Landscape - color

A-AP2 Nature/Landscape -Blk/wht

A-AP3 People - color photo

A-AP4 People - blk/wht photo

A-AP5 Animals - Domestic - Color

A-AP6 Animals - Domestic - blk/whit

A-AP7 Animals - Wildlife

A-AP8 Plant/Flowers


Y-AP 9 Nature/Landscape - color

Y-AP10 Nature/Landscape -Blk/wht

Y-AP11 People - color photo

Y-AP12 People - blk/wht photo

Y-AP13 Animals - Domestic - Color

Y-AP14 Animals - Domestic - blk/whit

Y-AP15 Animals - Wildlife

Y-AP16 Plant/Flowers

Category - Craft Corner

CC1 Wreath (any holiday)

CC2 Door Decoration (any holiday)

CC3 Pinterest Craft (must include picture of project from pinterest

CC4 Holiday Ornament (no glass)

CC5 Handmade Jewelry

CC6 Holiday Table Creation

CC7 Lego Creations

CC8 Paint by Number

CC9 Handmade Bird Feeder

CC10 Wood Work (cutting blocks, shelves, benches, etc.)

CC11 Macrame’

CC12 Gourds - Decorated

Category - Quilts

Adult Bed Quilt

Q1 Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q2 Pieced - Machine Quilted

Q3 Applique - Hand Quilted

Q4 Applique - Machine Quilted

Youth Bed Quilt

Q10 Hand Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q12 Hand Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q13 Machine Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q14 - Machine Pieced - Machine Quilted

Adult Crib Quilt

Q5 Hand Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q6 Hand Pieced - Machine Quilted

Q7 Machine Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q8 Machine Pieced - Machine Quilted

AQ9 Miscellaneous Quilted Items (table runner, etc.)

Youth Crib Quilt

Q15 Hand Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q16 Hand Pieced - Machine Quilted

Q17 Machine Pieced - Hand Quilted

Q18 Machine Pieced - Machine Quilted

YQ9 Miscellaneous Quilted Items (table runner, etc.)

Category - Sewing

Youth (5-18 yrs)

Y-S1 - Apron

Y-S2 - Tote Bag

Y-S3 - Pillow Case

Y-S4 - Pillow


A-S5 - Apron

A-S6 - Tote Bag

A-S7 - Pillow Case

A-S8 - Pillow

Category - Sewing

A1 Crocheted

A2 Knitted

Entry Fee is $1.00 per item entered.


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