Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan, Contributing Writer

Series: One day at a time | Story 114

Well it is a very quiet morning here in our little valley. There is a little breeze blowing and it is very comfortable here on the front porch.

The cats have had their breakfast and have now left for the day until supper time. The neighbor’s cows are grazing in their pasture.

The neighbor has been busy cutting hay, I heard his old John Deere tractor last week, soon he will be stacking those big round bales of hay down near the creek, he is getting ready for a long Winter. I have heard several people say that we will have a bad Winter this time.

We have got some of our firewood, but hopefully we will be getting more soon. Bobby has got to do a little work on the back porch, that is where we stack our firewood for the Winter. When it is snowing and everything is covered in ice, we can get to the firewood real easy when it is on the back porch just outside the back door

We got a little more done on the outside this week, we are trying to make our to-do list a little smaller. We have got a lot of pressure washing that needs to be done but we have been trying to wait until it gets a little cooler and a little closer to Fall.

Here it is September and it seems like this year has gone by so fast. It sure seems like it has been hotter and more humid than normal. Our yard has really grown a lot lately and I have heard a lot of people say that their gardens and corps have done really good this Summer, God does have it all under control.

Our hummingbirds are still here, Bobby has filled up their feeders several times this year. My rose bushes have bloomed more than ever this Summer, during the Spring they did not do as good as they normally do, but this Summer they really did well.

We have been having to use our air conditioning more this Summer and the electric bills keep going higher, but our electric bill does not seem to be much higher than normal.

Lately a few times early in the mornings we have had the windows open, that is what I like about Fall of the year, it will be cool enough that we can open the windows during the day.

We were out running errands and getting our groceries and we saw a lot of buildings going up and we saw a lot of people working outside, we saw a lot of people out in fields cutting big round bales of hay. The parking lots at the stores had several cars, people were out shopping.

The stores that I went to had plenty of things on their shelves, the shelves were not packed full but there was not a lot of empty spots either. There is a lot of talk about there may be shortages later, but the stores I went to looked okay for now, of course I do not go to the big stores much, so I do not know how they look. I have heard some people say that they could not get what they needed and they have to go to other stores.

Gas prices are going up and down, a couple of stations will raise their prices up twenty cents but if the other stations do not follow along and raise their gas prices also then the first stations have to lower their prices back down. Going up five or ten cents a gallon is bad enough but when they raise the price up from 3.39 to 3.59 a gallon that is almost a quarter a gallon more. Always try to buy gas where it is the cheapest.

Bob has got the dishes washed and the kitchen clean, except for the floors, he still does not do floors. I have finished my coffee and I have got a busy day planned so I have got to get busy.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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