Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day At A Time

By “E.T. Trevathan, Contributing Writer

Series: One day at a time | Story 118

Well it is a beautiful Fall morning here in our little valley. it is cool here on the front porch, I have got my blanket and a good cup of hot coffee. There are some sweet little cats laying out here and they are enjoying the warm sunshine, they have had their breakfast and a bowl of warm milk. Before long I will not be able to sit out here on the front porch because it will be too cold, but I will be inside enjoying the warm fire in the old wood heating stove and I am looking forward to that.

Bobby is soon going to clean the stove pipes on the old wood heating stove and we have got to get firewood ranked on our back porch, in the Fall of the year there is a lot to do, cold weather is coming soon and we have got to get ready, we may have a mild Winter or we may have a bad one but we have to be prepared either way.

We were walking down by the creek and I have never seen so many acorns, there were a lot of them still on the trees and a whole lot on the ground, they almost covered the ground, God is preparing for the animals. There has not been much water in the creek this year and lately we have been getting a few much needed showers of rain, but it still pretty dry and the leaves are really falling off the trees before they can get a lot of Fall colors to them.

I told you about me making pear preserves and how Bob really enjoys them with butter on his hot biscuits for breakfast in the mornings, well a good friend of ours recently brought us some muscadines and now Bob will be having some muscadine jelly for breakfast, I have not made any muscadine jelly in a long time, thank you Chuck.

There is still talks of more strikes and talk of layoffs and shut downs and a lot of negative talk and negative things happening, but I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to do the best I can and I am going to do like most of this country used to do, I am going to “IN GOD we TRUST” and HE will take care of us if we do our part.

I heard the weather this morning and they were saying we may have some much cooler weather by next weekend and I was thinking about it will not be long until Thanksgiving and Christmas and about how I love that time of year.

Now that the days have been getting shorter I have been able to get some more baby quilts finished and now I just have to hem them. Once it turns cold I will be able to get a lot of my quilting and crocheting done.

We still have a lot to do outside before it gets too cold to work outside much, Bobby has some pressure washing to do and we have to clean the windows, you always want to have clean windows during the Winter so that you can look out at it snowing.

I got our blankets and quilts out and I got them washed and I have them ready to go, I still have to get our sweats, flannels, sweaters, jackets and coats out, there is a lot to do so we better get busy because we will soon need these.

Bob has now got the breakfast dishes done and he is out here with his coffee and spoiling the cats, it is his fault they are spoiled, he does not like the cold so the cats will not get petted as much during the wintertime, I’ll bet they look forward to spring.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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