Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

By "E.T. Trevathan, Contributing Writer

Series: One day at a time | Story 119

Well it is a cool Fall morning here in our little valley, it is too cold to sit out on the front porch even with my warm blanket and my hot coffee, it was 42 degrees on the porch and there was a little wind blowing that made it feel colder.

It may be cool but the sun is shining and there is a pretty blue sky and the trees are showing more Fall colors and it is going to be a beautiful day.

The cats were up early this morning and they were ready for some good warm milk, they are always hungry on these cold days.

Bob is through washing the breakfast dishes and he is now enjoying his coffee but he is not out on the porch spoiling the cats, yet.

We have still got a lot to do before bad weather gets here, we have to get our firewood stacked on our back porch and a few other outside jobs done, lately we sure have been busy but we should get everything done before it is too cold, I sure have been keeping Bobby busy getting things ready, everybody needs a Bobby.

Bob has started back going to physical therapy and he is doing really good. Trent and all the girls at physical therapy are spoiling him, Bob wants to go to therapy everyday.

Our neighbor has been stacking a few more of those big round bales of hay down near the creek, he is stocking up so that his cows will have feed for this coming Winter, he takes good care of his cows and he sure has some pretty cows, from the porch we can see his cows grazing out in their pasture and it sure is peaceful to watch them.

We were out running errands the other day and between here and Columbia we saw a lot of big cornfields and they were all brown and looked ready to be harvested. It looks like the farmers have some work ahead of them but they will be set in corn for Winter.

The acorns are still falling off the trees down by the creek and the walnuts are also falling off, there have been a lot of nuts this year, there were so many walnuts on the branches it looked like it would have broke the branches.

We have been watching the squirrels and they are preparing for Winter, they are busy carrying acorns and storing them up.

I am still hearing some talk about us having a bad Winter and some of the signs are showing it is going to be a long cold Winter. I have got a few vegetables on hand so I think I may can up a few jars of vegetable soup, this Winter it will be good to have some homemade soup with some good brown cornbread.

I have got some more sewing done, but I probably will have to wait until after the holidays to really get into my sewing and crocheting, because we will be so busy during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

We are trying to get as many things done now and then on the first of November I usually start my Christmas decorating, I like to have all my decorating for Christmas done by Thanksgiving because that is when we start having a lot of company and also because Christmas time is my favorite time of year.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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