Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

November Start- All Saints' Day: A Celebration of Thankfulness and Gratitude

Series: Life as Art | Story 18

November marks the beginning of a season of gratitude and holiday celebrations. It commences with November 1st, the observance of All Saints’ Day, cherished by Catholics and Anglican Christians alike. This is succeeded by All Souls’ Day, or Dia de los Muertos, a cherished Mexican tradition. All Saints’ Day is a solemn occasion dedicated to honoring all the saints of the church who have ascended to heaven.

Various customs are observed to pay homage to these saints, known and unknown. These include the lighting of candles, attending church services, placing flowers on graves, and tenderly tending to the resting places of our dear departed on All Saints’ Day. Regional customs include the practice of baking Soul Cakes, symbolically left on tables in remembrance of loved ones who have passed on. This day also boasts an array of wonderful delectable sweets, such as frutta martorana - delicate marzipan desserts fashioned in the likeness of fresh fruits and vegetables - and Ossa Dei Martor almond biscuits.

The chrysanthemum stands as the emblematic flower of All Saints’ Day. These blossoms can be artfully incorporated into your tabletop decorations or interwoven into a graceful door wreath. The wreath, adorning the entrance, is graced with a central cross, and saint cards, holy cards, and cherished family photographs are thoughtfully arranged around it, paying tribute to the individuals and families who have bestowed blessings upon our lives.

November 1st can also signal the commencement of a 30-day gratitude challenge. This entails the daily practice of sharing expressions of gratitude, a small yet powerful way to cultivate a spirit of appreciation and mindfulness. It serves as a reminder that amidst the busyness of life, there is always something to be thankful for. A few ways to start might be taking the time to write a handwritten note to a friend or loved one acknowledging how they have made a positive impact in your life. Small acts of kindness to family, friends and strangers, even the smallest gesture of holding a door open or a verbal compliment and wishing someone a great day. Throughout the month, a family activity is to write down things you are grateful for on slips of paper and place them in a jar to be read on Thanksgiving day, for all to hear and enjoy.

The world races forward, taking a moment to pause and reflect on the saints, our loved ones, and the countless blessings that grace our lives can be a poignant reminder that life itself is an art—layers stacked upon layers of gratitude, love, and cherished memories. As we navigate this season of thankfulness, may we be inspired to infuse each day with the same reverence and appreciation that November 1st beckons us to embrace.


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