Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan

Series: One day at a time | Story 127

Well it is a warmer than usual morning here in our little valley, we did get a little rain but now the sun is trying to shine through the clouds, but I think we might get some more rain.

The cats came up early this morning for breakfast and they were really hungry. They have now finished their breakfast and have gone off to take their naps until it is time to get up and play or time to eat supper.

The other day Bobby put some bird feed in the feeders in the backyard, and this morning around the feeders there were a lot of pretty red Cardinals and Chickadees and a lot of other birds, they sure were enjoying their morning and the bird feed.

I hope all of you had a good Christmas, all of my kids and grandkids come here for Christmas eve and then they come back for Christmas day, we all look forward to getting together for Christmas, I am thankful we all can still get together as we always have.

This year close to Christmas our youngest great grandbaby just turned one year old, and he is walking and having so much fun, and he sure had a great Christmas.

I now make each one of my kids a big “Goodie Box” instead of having them a lot of separate presents, I think they like the goodie boxes more than having to unwrap a lot of gifts, it sure saves time and it also saves on the wrapping paper.

Over the last few weeks I have talked to several people and they have said that this year that Christmas just did not seem the same, I think that as we get older and as families change that has a lot to do with it.

We try to keep the same traditions going every year and with each year it does get a little harder, but I just try a little harder to keep our family the same way. Now a days everyone is always so busy and in a rush and it is harder to get things done because all of the days seem to be going by faster and they seem to be going by faster with each passing year

I hope all of you are making plans to have a good new year, 2024 is only a few days away now. I am looking forward to the new year and I am planning on getting a lot of things done.

Right after Christmas we take down all of our Christmas decorations and put them back in storage for another year, we carefully pack the decorations up and we organize them so that it will be easier to put them up next year, it seems like they come down a lot faster than they went up, but we do not waste any time.

We sure have enjoyed our lights and decorations, and we have had a lot of sweet people visit us and I fed all of them good, most of them got to eat some of my home cooking, you know good old country food like beans and cornbread and potatoes.

Bob has finished the breakfast dishes and is now enjoying his coffee, the cats are full and napping, the sun is trying to shine but there still a few clouds, but you know me this time of year I am hoping for cold weather and snow, I guess we will get plenty of both of them before wintertime is over. Rain or shine I have got a busy day planned and a busy new year planned ahead and I am looking forward to them both.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Merry Christmas,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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