Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Starvation And Poisoning

with Veronica Tilden, DO


Health is your birthright, and it is always present. But you may not always feel as good as you might like. Why? There are two basic reasons. Either you are starving, or you are being poisoned, or most likely both.

Starvation refers to not getting enough of the things your body needs to function properly. You may think this means being hungry. But in this country, people usually get plenty of calories, and not enough nutrients. You can also be starving for adequate sunlight, exercise, sleep, and love.

Poisoning refers to the things that damage your body. There are many chemical toxins that you are exposed to every day. They may be present in your food, your water, the air, even the soil. They are in products you use every day. Another type of toxin is electromagnetic fields. This includes the many devices of modern times, especially those that emit radiation frequencies. The most problematic are often cell phones, smart meters, and Wi-Fi. Poisoning can even include toxic emotions and thoughts.

We will be learning about all of these things in the weeks to come. For now, think about how these factors may be showing up in your life. What is one small change that you can make, and you already know would help? It may be eating more eggs and less pastries or cereal. Or getting out into the sunshine for a bit every day.

Dr. Veronica Tilden is a doctor of osteopathy. Osteopaths are fully licensed physicians, and additionally they learn how to diagnose and treat using their hands. She has helped people regain vibrant health with a holistic approach since 1997, using traditional hands-on osteopathy and lifestyle counseling. (931) 295-3115 or


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