Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Articles written by Veronica Tilden Do

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    Veronica Tilden DO|Oct 24, 2024

    This article has covered six of the basic factors that are critically important for your health. This is the last Focus on Vibrant Health, and provides a quick review. If you would like to continue to have or reclaim your birth right of vibrant health, attend to these things. Nutrition The foods you choose to eat should taste delicious and supply the vitamins and minerals and many other factors your body needs to grow (in childhood), and to repair itself. This includes eating animal products from animals living as nature intended, not in...

  • FOCUS ON VIBRANT HEALTH:Starvation and Poisoning

    Veronica Tilden DO|Oct 10, 2024

    Health is your birthright, and it is always present. But you may not always feel as good as you might like. Why? There are two basic reasons. Either you are starving, or you are being poisoned, and most likely both. Starvation refers to not getting enough of the things your body needs to function properly. You may think this means being hungry, but here I am referring to getting the necessary nutrients.. You can also be starving for adequate sunlight, time in nature, bare feet on the ground, exercise, sleep, and love. Poisoning refers to the...

  • Focus on Vibrant Health

    Veronica Tilden DO|Oct 3, 2024

    Emotional and physical health are inseparable, parts of one whole health. There are 5 perspectives that can help to understand the importance of emotions. We have already discussed four of them. The first is to recognize and address stress in your life. The second perspective is your attitude; be optimistic. The third is to value your social connections; have at least a few good friends you can count on. The fourth is the importance of purpose, expressing the unique contribution you have to offer. Today is about a fifth perspective that...

  • Focus on Vibrant health

    Veronica Tilden DO|Sep 26, 2024

    Emotional health is a critical part of your health and happiness. Emotional and physical health are inseparable. There are 5 perspectives that can help. As already discussed, the first is to recognize and address stress in your life. The second perspective is your attitude; choose to focus on the positive. The third perspective is to value your social connections, and have at least a few good friends you can count on. Today is about purpose. Purpose Numerous studies show that people with a clear sense of purpose are more likely to grow old in...

  • Focus on Vibrant Health

    Veronica Tilden DO|Sep 19, 2024

    Last time you read this column, we were talking about emotional health. It is a critical part of your health and happiness. Emotional and physical health are inseparable. There are 5 perspectives that can help. As already discussed, the first is to recognize and address stress in your life. The second perspective is your attitude; choose to focus on the positive. Today is about social connections. Social Connections are essential to your physical, mental and emotional health. This includes your partner, family, friends and community. The...

  • Focus on Vibrant Health

    Veronica Tilden DO|Sep 12, 2024

    Your emotional health is a critical part of your health and happiness. Emotional and physical health are inseparable. There are 5 perspectives that can help you evaluate and improve your emotional health. One of these is stress. This article should have preceded the last one written about “Attitude”, but it did not. So it is here now. Stress is your body’s response to any demand for change. Stress can be physical or emotional, it can be positive or negative. How you interpret an event in your life depends on your perceptions and expec...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Aug 1, 2024

    Your emotional health is a critical part of your health and happiness. Emotional and physical health are inseparable. There are 5 perspectives that can help. The first one is recognizing stress, which was covered last time. The second perspective is your attitude. Attitude The science of quantum physics shows that you create your reality through your thoughts. Knowing this reveals how critically important it is to have positive-oriented thoughts, beliefs, values and attitudes. These are key factors for having vibrant health. How can you build a...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Jul 11, 2024

    Exercise is critically important for your health. The nature of the human body is to be active and moving all day. Ideally you should get 10 minutes of movement for every hour that you sit. And it is best to sit for only 3 hours per day. Where should you start? You must consider your current level of condition. If you can, begin by walking every day for 10 minutes, and work up to a 2 hour walk at least a couple of days per week. If you cannot walk, or cannot go for 10 minutes, likely it is best to seek professional help to get started. You can...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Jun 27, 2024

    FOCUS ON VIBRANT HEALTH Have you missed getting your weekly health information? I’m traveling this summer, so it may be inconsistent. Have you made some healthier choices from the things you have learned? Here’s a mini review. Eat more meat, butter and eggs and produce from your garden, and less processed foods. Avoid plastics whenever possible, and use more natural cleaning products. Use a land line instead of a cell phone, and hard wire your devices (best) or turn off your WiFi at night. Sleep is another aspect of your health that is critical...


    Veronica Tilden DO|May 30, 2024

    Are you treating your cell phone with more respect? This is critical if you want to regain vibrant health. There are natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by the earth, the atmosphere and the sun. The body uses these natural fields for biological functions and cellular communication. These natural EMFs are interrupted, blocked and drowned out by man-made EMFs. What can you do? Reconnect with the natural EMFs that your body depends on to function properly. A simple way is to go bare foot on the earth. Choose a place that does not have...


    Veronica Tilden DO|May 23, 2024

    Have you given up your toxic plastic water bottles yet? Another very effective action is to use unscented laundry detergent and avoid the dryer sheets. Laundry perfume is not very attractive and is definitely toxic. The second big toxin category is man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs). There are four main types. Electric fields exposure comes from your house wiring, smart meter, electric blanket and corded appliances. Magnetic fields are present with power lines, wiring errors in your house, electric clocks, and motors (think refrigerator)....


    Veronica Tilden DO|May 16, 2024

    How is your health journey going? Are you eating more nutrient dense foods, such as liver, eggs and raw dairy? Are you avoiding vegetable oils? Remember to get out and get sunshine at various times throughout the day. Hopefully you are doing these things, and you are noticing that you have more energy, you are sleeping better, and your thinking is clearer. The next major factor that affects your health is the toxins that you are exposed to. Over 800 chemicals can be found in your body, and these have known health effects on your biology. They...


    Veronica Tilden DO|May 9, 2024

    Light from man-made sources does not match sunlight. It gives your body incorrect information from your environment and affects your biological functions. Avoid artificial light before sunrise and after dark. Most people work in environments where they are exposed to artificial light during the day. If possible, avoid fluorescent and LED lights, and use incandescent light bulbs instead. These are closer to natural light. And get outside for at least a few minutes throughout the day. Until you have seen the sunrise and given your circadian...


    Veronica Tilden DO|May 2, 2024

    Vibrant health is your birthright, and your body is always capable of expressing it. The choices you make in your life are critically important to support it. We have been exploring the facts about good nutrition and healthy water. Now we are going to turn to light. Natural sunlight is critically important for your body to function properly. Sunlight is as important as food. It is a signal from the environment to your body. Your internal circadian clock responds to light that comes in through your eyes and skin, affecting many aspects of your...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Apr 25, 2024

    FOCUS ON VIBRANT HEALTH with Veronica Tilden, DO Without water you cannot survive more than a few days. If you are reading this, you probably have access to water that is not contaminated with human waste that can make you acutely sick. But does your water contain toxins that may cause chronic illness? Likely, if you have “city” water. It will at least contain chlorine, and perhaps fluoride. Depending on the source, it may also contain agricultural and industrial chemicals. These are less likely if you have your own well or spring and you liv...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Apr 18, 2024

    Are you eating more nutrient dense foods? If so, I bet you are feeling better. Today is about WATER, as it is also essential to health. Water carries information from your environment into your cells. It removes toxins through urine and bowel movements. It is necessary to metabolize your food, and much more. There are three qualities of healthy water. 1. Free of toxins 2. Contains minerals 3. It is structured Structured water is water in its natural state. It is in motion, and in contact with the earth, natural light and natural...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Apr 10, 2024

    The last several weeks have covered the 10 Principles of Good Nutrition. These principles are based on modern science and the study of healthy traditional peoples eating local foods. Here is a review: Do not eat refined or processed foods Eat foods that have a high nutrient content Animal foods are a critical part of your diet Eat animal fats and avoid vegetable oils Eat some of your animal foods raw Carefully prepare your seed foods – nuts, seeds, grains and legumes Eat foods that naturally contain enzymes Use unrefined salt which is high i...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Mar 28, 2024

    Principle 10 of good nutrition: Eat plant and animal foods raised on healthy soils Foods from healthy soils are far more nutritious. Unfortunately many soils today are depleted of critical minerals that were once abundant. Modern agriculture uses chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. Beef are finished in filthy, crowded feed lots. Chickens are stacked on top of each other, pigs can barely turn around, and neither see the sunshine. Most of these animals receive hormones and antibiotics and other unnatural chemicals. These practices...

  • PRINCIPLE 9 OF GOOD NUTRITION: Include bones and collagen rich foods in your diet

    Veronica Tilden DO|Mar 21, 2024

    Bones?! Yes. Bones are an excellent source of nutrients, and all traditional cultures, past and present, use them. They can be cooked until soft, fermented, or used to make bone broth. People from many cultures chew on the ends of soft bones. Bone broth is an important base for fine cuisine. The best broth is that you make yourself. Do not use bullion cubes, aseptic packages or canned items on the grocery shelf. Sometimes you can find it frozen. Broth is made using marrow and joint bones and collagen rich animal parts, such as chicken feet,...

  • Focus on Vibrant Health

    Veronica Tilden DO|Mar 14, 2024

    Have you tried eating more high enzyme foods? Local raw honey is a great example. Healthy people have included such foods in their diet for thousands of years. PRINCIPLE 8 OF GOOD NUTRITION: Use unrefined salt What is unrefined salt? It is salt that is about 80% sodium chloride, and still contains the many minerals that occur naturally and that you need for vibrant health. Typical white table salt has been processed to remove the minerals for more profitable purposes, and you are buying the waste product. It is 98% sodium chloride, with added i...

  • Focus On Vibrant Health: March 7, 2024

    Veronica Tilden DO|Mar 7, 2024

    Last time we talked about the importance of properly preparing seeds, including grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. These foods can be very difficult for some people to digest. Did you try eating more fruit, dairy, or winter squash instead? PRINCIPLE 7 OF GOOD NUTRITION: Eat foods with enzymes Foods that have a high amount of enzymes include lacto-fermented foods, raw honey, raw dairy, raw meat and raw fish, tropical fruits and cold pressed olive oil. Lacto-fermented foods include yogurt, kefir and cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi and pickles, sourdough...

  • Focus On Vibrant Health

    Veronica Tilden DO|Feb 29, 2024

    Your body needs proper nourishment to function. If you ignore this law for very long, you will get sick. This is the 6th of 10 very important principles for how to eat in a way that gives your body the energy it needs. PRINCIPLE 6 OF GOOD NUTRITION: Carefully prepare your seed foods Seed foods include grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Plants contain toxins and anti-nutrients to help defend themselves, and these are highest in their seeds. Seeds are hard to digest, can irritate the GI tract, and interfere with the absorption of nutrients from...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Feb 22, 2024

    We are discussing the 10 principles of good nutrition. A lack of adequate nutrients is one of the ways you can be starving your body of what it needs for your health. PRINCIPLE 5 OF GOOD NUTRITION: Eat some of your animal foods raw. All traditional healthy people eat some (not all) of their animal foods raw. Some of the critical nutrients we need are destroyed by heat. These raw foods are easily recognized as raw cheese, raw egg yolks in ice cream and salad dressing, steak tartare and beef carpaccio, sashimi and raw oysters. The quality of the...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Feb 1, 2024

    Last time you learned that it is wise to avoid processed foods. Did you make any changes in the foods you regularly eat? An example would be to eat a hard boiled egg instead of white bread toast. PRINCIPLE 2 OF GOOD NUTRITION: High Nutrient Content The diet of healthy people eating their traditional foods provides many times more fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins and minerals than the diet of so called “modern” people. Why are these nutrients important? Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K2. They are critical for fertility, pre...


    Veronica Tilden DO|Jan 25, 2024

    Are you living in accordance with the natural laws for a human? If not, your health will suffer. Last time you learned about some of the consequences of poor nutrition. If you do not eat the foods that your body needs to function properly, infections and chronic disease are the result. As you have discovered, your doctor does not have a magic pill to help you. It is up to you to make better choices. 10 PRINCIPLES OF GOOD NUTRITION There are 10 basic principles of nutrition that are based on the observation of healthy groups of people from...

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